Candy Grey : The ultimate badass that gets what she wants and never gets in trouble for it
*What happens when Candy comes between two guys that she likes
*Who will she choose?
*Find out in Life As A Bad Girl
I just needed to be alone, I mean normal people would think it's a coincidence but me, no. I think it's a sign or something, ughhh having OCD is not fun! The doctors give me pills and everything but it doesn't work. It started when my parents died, I guess it was a stress reliever at the time. It was something to occupy me so I didn't think about my parent's death. Until I met my best friend outside of my group, Makayla.
She helped me through everything but, she felt like she didn't belong with Candy and Carrie. She said we'll be best friends forever even though she had to move. Her parents felt like Makayla was spending more time on technology then school and they moved her into a more private school. Makayla and I were devastated, she begged and begged but her parents didn't budge.
Technology was something Makayla was destined to do, she can hack anything or find out any information she can with one touch of a button. One day Makayla was texting me and she said she was running away to be with her Aunt so she can go to our school and still visit me.
I kept telling her I wasn't worth it but she didn't listen, her aunt didn't even know about it until she got there. She had convinced her aunt to not tell her parents till she was ready, and still she hasn't told them. Me and KK hang out on Mondays, Wednesdays,and Sundays. Only because she has to take care of her aunt all the other days, so today she is coming to visit me!
I am super excited she always knows how I'm feeling and whatnot. She always says she's physic and sometimes I believe her. Hey, I have no choice! Even though Makayla is a super geek in the inside she's a total fashionista diva on the outside. She's like a geek undercover!
I have no idea where she learned to do makeup and make clothes, but all I can say is, it's amazing! She could probably get on Project Runway if she wanted to. My phone started to vibrate and I checked who it was. Unknown Caller?
KK- Hello?
Cindy- Hello KK?
KK- Oh my god this cheap phone actually works! Anyway Heyyy Cin I miss you soo much!
Cindy- Me too! where are you?
KK- Uhmmmm welllll can you come downstairs
Cindy- Ohhkayy
I opened my door and went downstairs while I still had my phone to ear and there was a black curtain in the middle of the living room. "KK? Do you have anything to do with a curtain your size doing in my living room?"
"Whaaatttt? I had no idea buuuuuttt I think you should reveal what's behind it." I put my phone on the table and opened the curtain it had a giant box that was standing on one of it's sides. I used my car key and stood there was a smiling Makayla with a card a teddy bear.
"Pleasssee don't tell me this a dream" I blinked twice whishing this dream would end but instead I got a hug....that was sooo tight it could kill! "KK......Makayla!.....Makayla! Your killing me with your hug"
"Ohh supes sorry Cin just ya knowww" she started to cry and she was waving her hands to try and stop it. "Awww KK. You know what, were gonna have one of those girl sleepovers where we talk about boys, watch movies, do facials, and just catch up" I hated those but Makayla loves them sooo why not and it's an excuse to be a total girl for a day.
"Cindy! You know me soooo well! Of course you do we've been besties since like foreves and I need to Makaylanize your closet again!"
"Okay KK but only for you and speaking of Makaylanize I'm loving your outfit!"
"Thanks girl, I was trying to wear something you'd like so I could give it to you. And nooo not this exact one that I'm wearing just the whole look just in your size.
"OMG really!" This was like huge for me! I see her as a top fashion designer soo anything from her is a blessing! "Yes really! Your like a sister to me" she turned around and started to go upstairs "Oh and Cindy, the last one to your room gets to set everything up for the sleepover!"
Oh no she didn't! I ran as fast as I could Makayla was in the lead but I was right behind her when her phone dropped and being the girly girl she is she stopped to get it and I ran past her and ran straight to my room.
Makayla finally came rushing in huffing and puffing "Fine you win for now, but next time I will get you! But right now lets talk about Amarion or Amari as you would say!"
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