Candy Grey : The ultimate badass that gets what she wants and never gets in trouble for it
*What happens when Candy comes between two guys that she likes
*Who will she choose?
*Find out in Life As A Bad Girl
Carrie's POV: "Hey John, can you text my friend that : I'm super sorry babe I can't come right now there is a needle in my arm" I really am sorry though she is my friend I'm supposed to be there for her. " Yeah sure" he said while putting the tattoo piercing thing down and grabbed my phone and started texting.
"All righty, all done..." I guess he wanted my name "Uhh Carrie" I said quickly. "Cool name"he said while motioning me to follow him. He led me out to the front desk to checkout. " The total comes to seventy-five dollars." I handed him the money and heard a 'hmph' sound, I'm guessing it was Chelsea. " Listen Chelsea if you have something to say can you say it, cuz I don't read minds" I said, I was getting irritated. "M-kay Mrs.Bad Girl. I guess, I just have a problem with people trynna be people who their not. Your not a bad girl so don't come up here trynna act bad k. Cuz I've seen bad and honey, you ain't it."
Pshh I knew she was right but I didn't wanna say that to Misses bad girl expert. " Okay, am I supposed to say sorry. But, you wanna know what I have a problem with Chelsea?"
"What" she said, I could tell she was getting mad. "I have a problem with people judging people when they first walk in the door. You had no idea what I coulda been dealing with. Fuck, I coulda had cancer and I just wanted a tattoo! But I know what person you are, I bet your struggling with something and you used to be supes nice but something changed in you. Or maybe in your family, but hey that's not my business. Just know that I bet you would make a good friend but I know you don't trust just anyone so here" I wrote down my number on a piece of paper and left it on the table. "If you wanna talk just hit me up " I started to walk out the door but she interrupted me.
"I like your moxi girl, I bet we'll be great friends" I smiled and walked to my car. "She seems...nice" I said out loud.
Unknown POV: If that little bitch thinks she can get away with fuckin' and leavin' she has another thing comin. I checked my phone and went to the gps tracker that I put on all of her friends. Looks like everyone is there except for....hmmm. Why is she at a tattoo shop at 9:00? Oh well, time to give her a little scare.
Carrie's POV: I checked my phone it was 9:00, I wonder if Cindy and them are still in the hospital. I was scrolling through my messages until I found Cindy.
Carrie: Cind I'm really really sorry I couldn't come I feel like a bitch for not coming if you don't wanna be my friend anymore I understand.
Cindy: Girl wtf are you talking about its okay and I would never stop being your friend just because you couldn't be here
Carrie: Lol I'm sorry I felt bad picking you over a tattoo
Cindy: Its okay and you me and Candy are having a sleepover at Candy's place, we need to catch up on alot!
Carrie: I agree ttyl girl
Cindy: K bye
I put my phone down and started to drive out of the parking lot. I wanted to go to Mcdonald's and probably pick some up for the girls too. The light was green so I went, until a car came out of no where and hit me. That's all I could remember then I blacked out.