Slowly Dieing

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Don't play the song yet!

Cindy's POV: Me and Amarion stopped cuddling when the doctor came " Amarion it seems like your grandmother has taken an  immense amount of poison. She actually had taken Hemlock which for an an adult, the ingestion of 100mg of conium or about 8 leaves of the plant is fatal – death comes in the form of paralysis, your mind is wide awake, but your body doesn't respond and eventually the respiratory system shuts down."

"S-so what your saying is-Yes your grandmother eventually die" the doctor interrupted. "" was all he said as he covered his hands with his face. "I think Mr. Reed needs to be alone for right now" yeah no shit doc. Me and my grandparents left the room and sat on the bench right beside the door. "I-I can't believe Merry gonna,gonna" My grandma started to bust out crying. "Shh it's okay. Cindy are you gonna stay here because I think your grandmother needs to go to sleep and rest" he said still holding my grandma.

"Yeah I-I'll be fine Candy is coming anyway" I said when I heard a loud bang sound, speak of the damn devil! "Sorry Cin I came as fast as I could" she screamed but a doctor held up his fingers to his lips and making a shh sound. "Sorry, my bad" she said holding up her hands.

"Soo what's going on, I thought you were in the hospital" ohh I forgot to tell her that part. "W-well my grandmothers best friend that used to babysit me started coughing up blood right. A-and her really cute grandson called 911. Then we came to the hospital you know the usge. Then Amarion and me started talking and we cuddled for a bit then the doctor came and said his grandmother took a lot of hemlock, which is a type of poison for some odd reason ans she's going to die" I said than take a huge breath.

"Cindy!" Candy yelled. "What!" I whisper-yelled. "You have your first crushhh .OMG we need to have a sleepover like we used to! she yelled. "Oh, yeah we should I'll call Carrie, be right back" I said and went outside.

Candy's POV: Cindy left me alone, in the hospital, did I mention I hated hospitals. Ugh! Ok Candy just do what you would normally do alone in your room. I pulled out some earphones from my pocket and put them in my ears, I sat down on the bench and put on the 'Cup Song' from Pitch Perfect. Then I did what every teenage girl would do SING!

(Play the song NOW!)<---Lol

Zach's POV: I arrived at the hospital and fast walked to the front desk the lady was on her phone smackin' her gum until she finally noticed me. "U-uhmm what d-do you need sir" she said then she spat out her gum and let loose her ponytail. Uhh try hard alert! "I'm here to see Meredith Moore" I said then she pushed up her boobs and put on red lipstick. "You knowww, we could do something else like in the closet perhaps" she said slurring her words, I guess she was trying to sound seductive but honestly, she looked like a homeless girl who is desperate for that D. "Uh no, and plus I-I have a girlfriend" I said I didn't know any other excuse. "Uhh why do all the sexy boys have to be taken.Oh the room number is 345" she said in a defeated voice. 

I opened the hospital swing doors quietly and saw Candy singing, She had a beautiful voice, like an angel. When she stopped singing she looked over in my direction "H-how long have you been standing there" she said. Why is doesn't she want people to hear her amazing voice? "Long enough to know, you have a beautiful voice" I said.

"T-thank you. And let me guess your here to see the amazing Amarion I've heard about?" 

"Yeah he's my best friend and where did you hear about him?" I was curious, she had never talked to him because Amarion never mentioned Candy in any kind of way.

"Uhh non-ya. I just came to support my best friend, soo if you will excuse mee" she said trying to escape, "Uh where do you think your going Can-Can" I said grabbing her by her waist. "First of all, I'm trying to leave I hate hospitals and second of all don't call me that!" She yelled. "Hey, can you guys quiet down" Amarion whispered. "Hey it's not my fault, blame it on your best friend and oh here" Candy gave Amarion a slip of paper. I think it said somebody's name and their number. His eyes lit up when he saw it "Thanks and you are?" he said.

"Candy, one of Cindy's best friends" she said. Amarion went to shake her hand but Candy shook her head no. "Oh I don't do hand shakes I do special hand shakes here let me show you" she said 

They did a weird handshake thing that I can't even explain it. "Cool" Amarion said. "Anything to cheer up a friend" she said. "But, I think we could become something more" she said. NOO Candy is my territory so Amarion better back the fuck up. "Candy I think- No no Zach don't interrupt us" she said. "Ooo I got it! Would you Amarion whatever your last name is wat to be my fake brother!" she said happily. Ohh thank goodness! "Candy whatever your last name is...I would love you!" he said and they hugged each other. "Hey I think I deserve a hug too" I said. "You didn't do anything so why would you deserve a hug" Candy said.

"Whatever! You guys wanna head out and get some ice cream?" I said, I really just wanted to be anywhere but here. "Yeah! But, only if my friends can come." she said really excited. "Yeah, of course!" I said. "Zach, what about Ty?" Amarion said, he was probably a little sad that Ty didn't come. "I don't know lemme call" I said whipping out my phone

Ty- Hello?

A-Yeah where are you

Ty-There was this accident where this drunk driver hit a girl

A-Oh do you know if she is alright


A-Oh meet us at the icecream place us and Candy's friends are coming

Ty-Who is Candy

A-I'll explain later okay bye!


"Ty got held up there was an accident that happened and he's meeting us at the ice cream place"

"Yay! Le go" Candy said in her adorable voice. 

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