Candy Grey : The ultimate badass that gets what she wants and never gets in trouble for it
*What happens when Candy comes between two guys that she likes
*Who will she choose?
*Find out in Life As A Bad Girl
I blocked out whatever the doctor was saying. It was super boring, I just wanted to go home already.
"Uhm sorry to interrupt but when can I go home" the doctor started to laugh "Well the only way you can go home is in a wheel chair. Just look at all your broken bones."
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"Uhhh. Fine then, can I take you up on your wheel chair offer" I mean seriously though who would want to be all crammed up in multiple bandages! "You actually would want to do that? I thought kids your age would want to miss school these days."
"I guess so, but I don't really want to-" Honey, listen to the doctor. He's the professional for christ sakes" my mother interrupted. "Mom" I whisper-yelled " How would you like to be stuffed up in here while all your friends are out there enjoying themselves and having a good time."
" I know honey but, I think it would be best to let your body heal then you can be with your friends."
"No mom. Listen doc, can you please just give me medications and let me outta here in a wheel chair. I know there is a risk and I know I could die or whatever but I'll give anything to be with my friends again."
"Ok if that's what you really want then fine" Yes!! Finally I don't why convincing people is so hard these days. Ughh now I'm sounding like old people! "Wait!" Does my mom always have to ruin good moments! "Just because, what are the risks we have to worry about."
"Uhm, in the state that she is right now, I'd say she will experience a lot of pain. And if she hurts anywhere there is any broken bone damage, it will cause the bones to shift more than they already have and cause permanent damage. But, other than that she will be fine."
"Oh, okay" was all she said and she turned around to grab her purse. "Oh and Ms.Taylor, when she decides to go to school somebody has to help her get to all her classes. He turned to around to face my friends and some boys who I guess know them "Who wants to volunteer."
Hoping it would be Candy it was a boy that was super fine if I might add. "I would be honored to" he said "Okay! Then its settled." He pushed a button on his...I'm guessing pager and a nurse came in.
"You paged me?" she was huffing like she just ran a marathon. "Yes, I need a wheel chair for this young lady and bring in some other nurses to help" he said without even looking up at her.
Finally she came with a wheel chair and more nurses came behind her. They started to surround me and pull out some tubes that were connecting me. "Okay everyone, lift on three." They grabbed my body parts and nodded their heads "One....Two....Three" They lifted me up and put me in the wheel chair, then two nurses grabbed my legs and carefully bent my legs.
"Okay Ty, she's all yours." He smirked, put his phone in his pocket, and went over to me and grabbed the wheelchair arms and started to push me. The doctor and mom went in front of us and Ty leaned down to my ear and whispered "Looks like it's gonna be me and you for now on princess."