A Silver Wolf's Tears

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Lynnette's Pov

I ran. No one was paying attention. I ran when the boys tried arguing with Rayman. I didn't even hear what he said to begin with. The warriors were clearly idiots as I easily slipped passed two that were mind linking each other. It was obvious as it was written all over there faces that they were thinking dirty things. I darted up a tree and started jumping along the branches. It was almost like I was flying and I loved to run like this. It made me feel free. You have to concentrate though one wrong branch and you could fall to your death.

The howls in the distance alerted me, telling me they started to give chase. Fuck. I ran in the branches for a short minute and a half before I smelt the Alpha. Oh shit, this isn't good."Thou is a fast runner. No one can match up to thys speed especially while jumping through the branches of the wilderness thus keep running" I'm glad Artie is here she understands we need to get away I stopped in my tracks as I saw the warriors all run past underneath me. "Tis impossible to catch thy who merges with the trees" God I love her comments sometimes. I started heading back to see if they were still there unharmed as that certainly wasn't every single warrior at the circle. Just as I started off I smelt him again he was underneath us but rather than risk it and wait I darted along the branches but the smell was too strong and I couldn't concentrate properly. All I heard was snap and I felt my body plummet downwards and I felt myself land on a massive branch and I just hung there my body arching off of the branch. As I lost consciousness I saw the Alpha King running towards me screaming my name before everything went black.

I woke up in a strange place it didn't look familiar and I immediately smelled that assholes scent. I heard noises near the door so I lay back down with my back to the door and closed my eyes. I heard the door open and I felt a presence over me " I know your awake so don't pretend to be asleep" I opened my eyes and there he was, the self-proclaimed 'Alpha King' We locked eyes before he finally spoke up " You were out for nearly three days, what were you thinking running in the trees you could have been seriously hurt!!!" He grabbed my shoulders as he yelled, keeping my eyes fixated on his. Before I even realised what was happening I started crying. No one has ever been concerned about me like this, no one and I couldn't stop crying either. For what seemed like an eternity, he cradled me in his arms as I cried until I fell asleep.

Thantos pov

As I started looking for her, I realised my wolves had gone too far. They'd ran past her somewhere. It was shocking that she outsmarted them that easily. However, I was impressed all for a grand total of ten seconds when I realised how she had accomplished such a feet. I started sniffing around to try to pick up her scent when I realised she was up in the trees. I tailed her and I saw her fall. She landed on a branch facing upwards and just hung with both ends of her body hanging off of the branch

"LYNNETTE!!!!!!" I screamed as she passed out. I got her out the tree and howled for all my wolves to return home. She was barely breathing so I didn't stop until I reached the pack house which was half an hour away. Her four friends were there with my beta when they saw her. I ran her up to my room and laid her down on my bed before they said anything. Her body was so lifeless and she was so cold and numb. I wrapped her up in a blanket and held her close in my arms in an attempted to kept her warm.

The pack doctor came 15 minutes later after Alex had rung her. "Nothing was broken, she'll be badly bruised and her whole body will ache. If she doesn't wake up in a week call me and I will have her in the hospital to monitor her" "Thanks Micelle"
"Your welcome Alpha," she said softly before leaving my room. As I sat on the edge of the bed I looked at her to make sure she was breathing properly before heading downstairs to speak with my beta and our 'guests' about what had happened.

*three days later* She woke up!!! God, I'm so happy and excited that she finally came too!!! Well at first she pretended to be asleep still, but once I saw her eyelashes trying not to flutter it was obvious " I know you're awake so don't pretend to be asleep" Her eyes fluttered open and she stared dead at me with her mesmerising crystal blue eyes. " You were out for nearly three days, what were you thinking running in the trees you could have been seriously hurt!!!"

Then she started crying. Fuck please don't cry I thought. But, she hugged me. I wasn't sure if that meant she wasn't mad at me but I hugged her back all the same. She eventually drifted off to sleep so I laid her down and pulled the blanket over her. "Is she your mate?" I heard a shy little voice ask. I turned to see my younger sister, Celestia (Tia for short), "Yes she is what do you think Tia is she allowed to stay???" She beamed at me, she loved it when I let her decide things "Yes !! I've always wanted a big sister plus you can't send her back she's your mate and she's a silver wolf!!" She smiled as she said that.

Wait Lynnette's a silver wolf??? How did Tia realise before me ?!?!?! "You forget Tia is a very clever child for her age but even still, you should have noticed even I did" Hades remarked "Thanks for telling me asshole" I decided to see the boys downstairs maybe they would explain how in the hell Lynnette was a silver wolf " Let's greet our guests Tia" She smiled before saying " Let's go big Bro !!!!"

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