Remake from "Playboys or Lovers" sorry I deleted Playboys or Lovers because it's not how I wanted to go but this it the remake story so please enjoy.
*Warning~ There will be sex, violence, nudity, and so much more so please if you don't want to read...
Dick's POV Hey everyone I'm Dick Richard Grayson lame name I know. I'm 16 years old and I have a crush on Kori Star Anders (she's a pretty hot girl I met last year in 11th grade.) Kori is 15 years old and about to turn 16 in two days (Kori is smart and never let it fool you. She takes work seriously.)
I just got out gym playing outside doing football. I'm one of the best football players in this school and we win most of the games. Soon we will do the tournament game and it's going to be the real deal (either go big or go home.) Like my team members (Victor, Garfield, Roy, Garth, Wally, and Jason) we want to win this thing. Ever since 2015-2016 we have never lost one game but last year we lost the tournament game but this year we will give it all we got.
You know what might will help with me winning the tournament? If my best friend/crush was apart of this. She's great at doing cheers I've seen her do it before. I'll ask her to join the cheerleading squad when I see her in 3rd period.
I went into the shower room and got in the shower and I got out and put my outfit back on and I walked out the boy's locker room and out the gym. When I got out the gym here comes my crush now. Beautiful Kori so cute.😍
"Hey Richard how's gym?" She smiles and kisses my cheek.
"Great how's art?" I ask look at her hand. She was holding a canvas.
"I made this you might like it I'm not sure." She hands me the canvas. Awweeee she's so sweet.
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She drew me and her meeting for the first time before school. She's hot, an artist, smart chick, and could be a new cheerleader in our school.
"So Kori I was thinking about something important I wanted to talk to you about." I reply.
"Yes Richard." She smiles.
"I need inspiration when I'm playing the football games soon and I need you to cheer for us in the games. I've seen you cheer once and it was awesome but I'm trying to say you should make the cheerleading squad." I finally explained.
"Oh really you think I can make the squad Rickard?" Kori says happily.
"Think so I know so. Be the best you can be because I believe in you that you can do it Kori." I said inspiring and encouraging her.
"Your right thanks Richard. Omg were going to be late for Mr. Slade's class (our strict Ela teacher.)
We ran into our hallway to his class and we made it just in time. Kitten came in and bumped into Kori and she didn't even say excuse me. Kitten is a bitch.
"Hey Dick love your hair." Kitten says staring at me.
I didn't respond I just talked to Kori.
"Are you positive Richard?" Kori says concerned.
"You learned all the moves you'll do great and if they don't have you on the list your still the best cheerleader in my world." I reply.
"Awwwwe Richard thank you for the encouragement it means alot to me." Kori says smiling.
"Your welcome Star." I say smirking and kissed her forehead.
I drop Kori off at cheerleading tryouts and she went in and did her thing. After the music stop I heard alot of clapping in the room and the cheerleading coach said great things about her cheer (I knew she had it in her.) Kori walks in looking happy about her performance. I walked with her to my car and she got in with me. I took her to my house so we could talk about her performance this afternoon, homework, and etc.
"So what happened in there?" I asked her.
"I think I did awesome thanks to you." Kori says smiling.
"Awwee Kori I know your going to make it I promise you." I said hugging her and kissing her good bye.
"Okay thanks again Richard goodnight." Kori says leaving to walk home.
"You want me to walk you home?" I asked.
"Sure." She says.
I walked her home and she kisses me (not on the cheek but on my lips.) She giggles and closes the door behind her and I went home thinking about her all night long.
Hey everyone I got a question of the day for you guys.
QOTD: What's your favorite teen titans character and favorite teen titans episode?
Everyday I'll have a question of the day and please comment below and smash that like button thank you guys and have a great day.