Remake from "Playboys or Lovers" sorry I deleted Playboys or Lovers because it's not how I wanted to go but this it the remake story so please enjoy.
*Warning~ There will be sex, violence, nudity, and so much more so please if you don't want to read...
Hey everyone I'm going to skip the school part and move right along with the what going to happen that Friday night. So I hope you enjoy this chapter you guys if not please just don't say anything then. But if you liked it please comment below for that and for the question of the day. Enjoy you guys.
Dick's POV Kori comes over and I ordered pizza and that's what we ate for dinner. My dad is out for the entire night and I decided me and Star go in the room tonight and just chill. I showed her to my room and she gets undressed and she had her purple lacy bra on with her matching panties.
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She looks so freaking hot. She puts on her shirt I gave her (a black shirt that has a bird looking ready to fly away. In the picture on the top of the story.) We laid in bed and she lays on top of me. She smiles looking down on me. (Ps. I wear a mask on my face to cover my eyes.)
"Um Richard can you please take your mask off for me please?" Kori asks nicely.
I looked into her eyes and I couldn't say no to her sparkling emerald eyes shining in the moonlight. I nodded and removed the mask. She peers into my blue sapphire eyes ever so slightly moving closer to me. I looked at her lips and I bit mines and I went for hers. She kisses me non-stop and I can't breathe.
"Ahhhhh Kori hold on I need some air." I reply stopping the kiss.
She gets off of me and I got some air and I'm back in bed. She's on top of me. Her hands were on my shirt . She then unbuttons my shirt and throws it to the ground. She unzips my pants and I'm left in my boxers. Before she removes my underwear I have to undress her. I pulled the shirt she was wearing of her body until I could see her in her bra and panties. I went for her bra and I unclasped it and threw it to the ground. (I know we're young but not that young to have sex.) Her breast were showing and she blushes and I smiled. Before she says something I embraced in a long, rough, sexy, hot...passionate kiss.
"Ahhhhh Richard." She starts moaning.
"Yeah scream my name." I replied.
"Ughhhhh Richard...Richard I love you." She says breathless.
"I love you too baby." I laughed.
We finally ended the kiss and I got between her legs and into postion. She starts moaning.
"I believe were ready are you ready for this Kori?" I replied to her. She nods.
I slide right in and she starts crying and screaming. I had stop.
"You okay Kori?" I said wiping her tears out her face.
"Yeah I'm okay I just need some air." Kori says breathing heavily.
I got off her and she breaths out. Hope I didn't hurt her.
"Ahh Richard you can proceed now." Kori says smiling.
"I love you Kori. Just yell if I'm hurting you." I replied softly.
With that she nods and I'm on top of her. She looks so sexy. I get between her legs and we started the intercourse. Her body is rubbing on my dick which was very enjoyable. She starts moaning when I fastening the pace.
"AHHHHHH RICHARD...UGH!!!" She screams out loud.
"Yeah Kori let it all out." I reply.
Her kissing is going soft...her mouth breathing in mine...tongue slips in my mouth...breathing Kori...UGH.
"AHHHHHHH...RICHARD!!!" Kori screams again.
"You okay Kori?" I ask.
"OH YEAH...YES RICHARD!!!" She's still screaming.
I couldn't breathe anymore so I stopped and we reached our climax. I got up and locked the door and back in bed with Kori. She starts breathing so hard...sweat on her face...Her body
"Kori I love you." I say kissing her lips.
"Love you too boyfriend." Kori says falling asleep.
Kori's POV I wake up the next day and I got my clothes on and Richard wakes up and puts his clothes on and comes behind me and wraps his hands around my waist. He kissed my cheek.
"Morning Kori." Richard says smiling.
"Morning Richard." I say kissing his lips.
Then I got the flu and I felt sick to my stomach. I went into his bathroom and closed the door. I felt so sick I had threw up in the toilet.
"Kori are you okay in there?" Richard calls from behind the door.
"Not really." I yelled back. "Can I come in Kori?" He asks. "Yes you can." I told him.
He walks in the room and runs over to me. He's shocked and I looked at the box of condoms on the counter. Omg NO NO NO NO NO why. Richard looks at me in shock.
"What's wrong Kori?" Richard says.
"Look on the counter of your sink." I only could say.
He looks at the box and his eyes narrowed. His face looks either depress or mad.
"Um Richard." I said.
"Omg I'm sorry Kori." Richard says panicking.
"How do we know for sure Richard?" I asked.
"You got to take the pregnancy test." He says giving me the stick.
"Oh okay then I'll be right out." I closed the bathroom door.
2 minutes later...
I walked out and me and Richard waited for 10 minutes for the response.
10 minutes later.....
We got the results and it seems like Richard was right I am pregnant. Omg I'm shocked. I started crying and Richard holds me in his arms and we sat on his bed and we talked.
"Richard are you mad about having the baby?" I asked.
"I'm actually thrilled about having a baby with you." Richard says happily.
"Oh." I replied.
Dick's POV Is she not okay with this? I need to know.
"Are you okay about this?" I asked carefully.
*Kori sighs*
"I'm happy about it but then at the same time I'm a cheerleader and were in high school." Kori says desperately sad.
"Kori I'm sorry I didn't mean to do this to you but I'm happy no matter what happens to you because I love you." I replied.
"I want to have this baby with you Richard and I love you too. I have to go home." Kori says about to leave.
"I don't want you to get hurt out there." I replied sitting her down.
"But my home Richard I have homework and other things too." Kori says concermd.
"NO NO NO too risky stay with me Kori your pregnant. Please stay with me.
"But I live with my sister." Kori replies.
"But you don't me to take care of you?" I said frowning.
"No I love you Richard. *sighs* Fine I'll stay with you." Kori says smiling.
"I'll call your sister so she could drop your stuff here and we can go eat some breakfast k." I replied.
"Okay." She smiles.
Hey everyone I know real weird that she's moving in with Dick but hey it was that or he wouldn't see her and the baby for two days so yeah tough love right? Now here's the question of the day.
QOTD: Do you think Richard did the right thing letting her live with him or was it wrong?
Answer the question below and don't forget to smash that like button thank you guys and have a great day. See you later alligators!!!!!!