Chapter 6. Happiness

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Hey everyone and I'll Will tell the baby's gender in Chapter 7. Thanks for answering the question ChinyereClemons, IyannaPawsonxRobstar, and NadineMercado9. Now back to the story. Ps. I'm writing my POV thing different so just enjoy.

Dick's (P.O.V)
Graduation day....

Kori wakes up the next day and she wakes me up as well.

"Morning Richard." Kori smiles.
"Morning Star." I replied back.

"Are you ready for graduation today but most importantly the game?" Kori asks.

"Yes I am but I hope you can walk by yourself on the stage." I said worrying.

"Omg idk hope I can." Kori says smiling.

"I'll pack your clothes and will get into our outfits for graduation okay." I replied to her.

"Okay thank you Richard I love you." She says getting up and hugging me.


Kori's (P.O.V)
"Kori Anders." The principal reads my name.

I walked up on the stage and the whole crowd was cheering.

"Dick Grayson." The principal reads.

Richard gets his certificate and come stands beside me. His hand goes around my stomach and we walked over to our seats and we sat down until they were done with the ceremony.

The principal them calls...

"Roy Harper."
"Kitten Moth."
"Jason Todd."
"Rachel Roth."
"Karen Beecher."
"Victor Stone."
"Garfield Logan."
and so on....
1 hour later.......

Richard and the crew are on the field battling the undefeated Wolverines. In the first quarter were 0-2. We are losing badly but as a pregnant cheerleader I do my best to cheer. I cheer for Richard and he smiles to see me having fun. He takes the ball and runs it to the edge of the court and gets a touchdown. Now everyone's happy.

First quarter ends and here comes my Teenage Thunderbolt right now. I hugged him and one of the boys on the other team comes over and talks to us.

"Face it you'll never win to us." The boy says.

"Hey leave them alone and yes we will win I garantee that for a fact." Roy comes in the conversation.

"Pfft what ever bye losers." He leaves.

It's finally the 4th quarter and it's 7-7. We need one more point to win this game. I hope we get this point. Then, Richard throws the ball to Garfield he catches it and throws it to Garth. Garth passes it to Jason then Roy. Then I saw Richard going long for the ball and Roy throws it and the ball hits....A prefect touchdown. We have won the game for the first time of our lives.

"Unbelievable folks tonight is the victory of the Tigers players congrats you guys for the first win." The coach say.

Then all the chrerleaders ran on the field running to their boyfriends on the football team. I ran to Richard. My eyes were filled up with tears of joy. He runs to me and we joined into a hug and we were on the jumbo tron and for the team we kissed. We are the champions, The Vicious Tigers.

After tonight was over.....

Dick's (P.O.V)
Kori and I got home from the game and I ordered pizza for our celebrating win. Kori was in the bathroom looking in the her stomach...the baby is in there.

She looked sad so I walked in and put my arms around her stomach and rubbing her stomach. The baby kicks again. I'm going to be a father of our baby and I'm not losing one moment of it. For now on forever I'm spending my life with my real family with Kori and our baby.

Tomorrow were going to the doctor's appointment and finding out the things for the baby. I hope it's a girl. I love Kori and she loves me and our love will never be teared apart. In sicknesses and health I will promise to keep her safe from anything.

Awe finally won the tournament game and both Kori and Richard are finally going to be parents together. Here's the question of the day.

QOTD: Which part do you like so far from Chapter 1 to 6 which is your favorite chapter I wrote?

Please please please comment below and don't forget to smash that like see you later...alligators!!!!!😇

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