Chapter 7. I Results are in

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Dick's (P.O.V)
Well I guess it's official we are having a baby girl and a boy. We just went out to Kori's appointment and came back home. We had walked up to the porch and Kori's sister was sitting there waiting for us to walk by.

"Hey Komi how are you doing?" Kori asks.

"I'm doing great how about you." Komi says giving Kori a hug.

"Great it turns out we are having a baby girl and a boy." Kori says smiling.

"Congrats you two. We should go out for a little while just to celebrate?" Komi says.

"That would be nice sure." I reply.

"Will be right back Komi and then we can get going." Kori says going into the house to get dressed.

I went back in the house to help her up the stairs. She went into the closet to put her outfit in and she looks cute. We then walked out and had some family fun together and we had the greatest time of our lives.

I know it's a small chapter you guys but I'll write a long one soon and now for the question of the day.

QOTD: How much do you guys love my story from a scale from 1-10? From a scale from 1-20 how much do you like teen titans?

Please please please comment below and don't forget to smash that like button thank you guys and have a great day. See you later.....alligators.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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