Chapter 2. The boy I fell for

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Kori's POV
The next day.........

I wake up and put on my outfit, black tank top, blue ripped short jeans, my black wedges, and my red purse. I left the house and I walked over to Dick's house and knocked on his door and he opened the door. He wasn't wearing a shirt on but he wore his black jeans, with his black leather boots on, and he puts his white t-shirt on, and slipped his jacket on and he closed his door. He smiles to see me again from last night.

"So ready to check the list Star?" Robin replied.

"Difinetly very ready. I say holding his hand.

We walked up to his car (has a GMC) and we got on the road. The school from our house is only about 40 minutes and maybe even 45 (depends on traffic or going to get breakfast.)

"*sigh*." I heard Richard in the front seat next to me.

"What's wrong with you Teenage Thunderbolt (name I call him or his nickname I call him.)

"Nothing just thinking that's all." He smiles and laughs.

"Oh come Richard what is it I know you." I asked him again.

"Okay okay I was just having a thought about how my life would turn out when high school is done." He sighs again but sadly.

"Richard it's going to be okay you can call me if things go wrong I'm not far away. Richard tell me what you think about every day. Tell me every thing happening in your life that you like." I asked him wanting to know.

"Well actually you are what I think about everyday and night. You are the best thing I could ever experience. I'm worried about you and me as friends. I love you Star." He says making me smile inside.

"Omg Richard your sweet I love you too. I never stopped loving you." I replied happily.

"Will you please be my girlfriend? I need you to be apart of my life." Richard says smiling.

I kissed his cheek and I nodded.

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend." I said softly.

"I would kiss you but I'm driving I kiss you when we get to school grounds." He blushes and smiles.

"K baby." I said enjoying the ride.

We finally made it to Jump City High and we met up with the others in the parking lot and here comes Kitten again. 😒

"Oh hey everyone. Hey Dickypoo." She says to us.

"Nobody likes you Kitten. I have a girlfriend." Richard says loud and proud.

"Oh yeah who is she?" Kitten says staring at him.

"Um this girl has a name. Back off bitch. Your not welcomed here." I reply yelling back at her.

"Ugh bye. Later bitches." Kitten says storming off.

"Man I hate her. But wait I heard that you two said you were going out." Victor said smiling.

"Yes we are and were happy." I reply laughing.

"About time you two are perfect together." Garfield says smirking.

"Omg I'm going to be late for Mr. Harris class see you later you guys. See you later baby." I reply.

Richard comes up to me and kisses me goodbye and the others said awwwwwe. I ended the kiss and left Richard and I went to the cheerleading board. I looked on the list and it said I made the team. Omg yes I know I could do it and Richard was right. He's the best boyfriend ever. I made the team so I'm happy. I went into Mr. Harris class room. He looks at me and smiles.

"Why Ms. Anders did you do the homework assignment from last night?" Mr. Harris says happily. 

(Okay Mr. Harris is my Math teacher just so you know.)

"Um yes here you go." I reply having my homework out and ready for him to take.

"Thank you Ms. Anders. Why can't everyone be like Kori here?" Mr. Harris says smiling.

"Oh I don't know because she's a bitch." Kitten says being a dick.

"Kitten the reason why you are not like me is because you never try. You need to grow up and get a life. Don't hate on me or judge me because I don't take that pity shit." I said looking back at her.

"Kori, Kitten please pay attention. Kori don't listen to Kitten your smarter than that." Mr. Harris says building up my confidence.

"Thank you Mr. Harris your right." I said smiling back at him.

"Welcome now back to work everyone." He says.


The intercom came on and the cheerleading coach was on the intercom. (Were in 6th period)

"Um Mrs. Henderson may I see Ms. Anders in the gym?" Coach Kelly says.

"Yes sure." Mrs. Henderson says.

With that I had went to the gym to see Coach Kelly. She took me to her office and she gave me my cheerleading outfit.

"Thank you coach Kelly." I reply happily.

"Your welcome and please come to practice today after school." Coach Kelly says.

"Yes coach Kelly." I said going into the bathroom to get changed into my cheerleading outfit.

My outfit is red and blue like our football player outfits. I had a ribbon with my name on it and I put my hair in a ponytail.

I finally finshed getting into my uniform. I went back to class and I walked in class hearing someone whistling when I walked in. It was Richard. I laughed and sat down by him.


Dick's POV
Afterschol we had practice and I also saw the chrerleaders and then I forgot Kitten was on the squad. Kori hates Kitten as much as I do. Let's just hope they won't fight because she doesn't like that shit. I walked over to Kori in her uniform and she looks cute. She comes over to hug me and she did her performance for tomorrow night (which her birthday is on the same night.) I'm going to surprise her after the game. She's going to love this well probably not sure. After practice, I took her home and I went home to get some rest for tomorrow's game.

2 days and 1076 words nice work I must say. Here's the question of the day please comment below on the question.

QOTD: Who's your least favorite teen titan and what's your favorite movie of all the time?

Well please comment below and remember to smash that like button thank you guys.

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