Back to Dance

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Chapter Eight- Back to Dance

Maddie's POV

The rest of the week consisted of none other than me moping around. My mother tried her best to make sure I was eating, and I tried my best to find ways to look like I was eating.

Most of the time, it was successful, but others I had to swallow a bite or two.

Today, however, was different from the rest of the week. The doctor had cleared me to go back to dance, only because before the appointment I stuffed a sandwich into my face.

It was not a pleasurable moment, let me just tell you that.

"Maddie! We have to leave for dance in ten minutes!" Mackenzie hollered up the stairs, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

Hurriedly, I grabbed my dance wear, slipping on my ALDC jacket and sweatpants over the dance clothes.

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, and from then, creating a bun.

By the time I had finished everything, and grabbed my phone it was time to leave.

I hopped into the car, hearing the engine roar to life, as my mom twisted the key in the ignition.

The drive to the studio was silent, with the exceptional clearing of the throat or cough.

The car rolled down the small road, coming to a slight stop, and turning into the ALDC parking lot.

I felt as if butterflies were erupting in my stomach.

I was nervous because one, I wasn't ready for Abby's wrath, and two, Chloe and Paige were both going to be there, ready to ruin me at any moment.

"Uh, Maddie? Aren't you going to get out?" My mom asked, slightly confused as of to why I was still perched upon my seat, sitting in the car.

"Oh, yeah." I answered, sucking in my cheeks, as I swung the door open, stepping out of the car.

I quickly walked into the ALDC, noticing the time. I only had a few minutes to change out of my ALDC clothes and into my dance wear.

I opened the cold glass doors, greeted by many hugs and 'I miss you's.'

It felt really awkward actually, because some of these people I had only talked to once or twice.

I finally managed to reach the dancer's den, and everyone but Chloe, Paige, and Mackenzie (obviously) ran to greet me with a huge hug.

"Maddie, I missed you!" Kendall shrieked, her grin growing wider with each second.

"Yeah, Maddie, where were you?" Nia chimed in.

I casted my eyes downward. I suppose no one told them.

"Uh, I think Abby will say something at pyramid." I shrugged, slipping off my jacket and sweatpants.

Nia's mouth formed into an 'o,' as Abby appeared in the room.

"Come on girls, Pyramid's ready." Abby told us, not even taking a moment to absorb my presence.

We all walked into pyramid, me without energy.

I stood in line, waiting for the pictures to be uncovered.

"On the bottom of the pyramid," Abby began, her raspy voice echoing throughout the room, "is Maddie. You didn't compete, even though I had choreographed an amazing number for you, due to self inflicted health issues. I'm not going to say what it was, but I am disappointed in you. You are throwing your dance career away, and I don't want to see you do that. I'm glad you are back, though." Abby told me shamefully, never breaking my eye contact.

I nodded my head, staring down at the floor.

I could feel Nia and Kendall's staring at me, as I shifted uncomfortably.

Everyone else seemed to know about what happened.

Abby droned on with the pyramid, finally reaching the numbers we were meant to dance to.

"This week, I have three solos, one group, and one duet.

"The group is going to be a lyrical piece to the song "Human." I want to portray a message for this dance, about bullying."

I rolled my eyes, as she continued on with the dances she was giving out.

Of course she would have chosen this topic for the group.

"The solo's are assigned to Paige, Chloe, and," Abby paused, "Maddie."

My eyes widened.

I couldn't deny that I was shocked.

After missing class for about two weeks, I would've expected nothing more than the back row in a group dance.

"Maddie, your solo is going to be contemporary, to the same song that you were meant to dance to last week, 'Teen Idle.' I am changing the choreography, however. The message portrays a girl, wanting to fit in with society. She begins to have suicidal thoughts and actions throughout the course of the dance. It will be a hard number to portray, so I want you to practice, practice, practice."

I nodded my head, as she informed Paige and Chloe of their solo's, and what the message would portray.

"Alright," Abby clapped, "Everyone out, except Maddie. We will start working on your number now. I expect everyone to be stretching in the den."

We all obeyed her commands, as everyone filed out of the room, except me.

I was half expecting her to talk to me about anorexia, but surprisingly she said nothing.

She just began to choreograph my dance, and it described my situation so perfectly, I couldn't help but tear up.

Soon enough, I was full out bawling, so I ran out of the room, past a snickering Chloe and Paige, and into the bathroom.

Author's Note: Ooh, dramaaaa

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