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Belle screamed in agony as the doctors told her to push.

Rumplestiltskin's hand throbbed as Belle squeezed it while giving birth to their child.

Out in the hallway, the Charmings, Regina, Robin, and Zelena stood awaiting the results of the delivery.

"Ok, now one more big push." Dr. Smith said as Belle gritted her teeth in pain. After one more agonizing push, Belle heard the sound that made the whole thing worth it. Her baby's cooing.

"It's a girl." The doctor said happily as he gave Rumple his baby. He held the baby down so Belle could gaze at it.

As the doctor left the room, the others came in with adoring smiles on their faces.

"What's her name grandpa?" Henry asked gazing at his new aunt. Belle and Rumple shared a smile as they said in unison, "Saige Cassidy Gold."

Emma hugged Rumple at the fact that he named his daughter after her lost love and his other child.

As everyone was happily talking about how delicate the new born was, a burst of light blue fire lit up the room.

Charming drew his sword and Hook brandished his hook menacingly as Hades, Lord of the Dead grinned casually at the sight of them.

Rumple pushed past them both and said, "No, this is my fight." He stood protectively in front of Belle and told Hades in a threatening tone, "If you want my daughter, you're gonna have to go through me."

Hades chuckled and whirred his hand as Saige was poofed out of Belles arms and into his. "I don't have to, it seems you're daughter has come to me."

Belle screamed and Rumple summoned fire to throw at Hades.

"I wouldn't do that," Hades warned, "Don't want to hurt the child do you?"

He winked at Zelena and disappeared in another column of light blue flames.

Rumple paced back and forth across his shop as Belle sat quietly in a chair in a state of shock, clutching a book.

"We have to do something." Belle finally said.

"I know that," Rumple said pacing, "But Hades was right, there's currently no way of hurting him without hurting our baby."

Belle looked frantically in the book she was holding, it was about the Greek Gods and she had read everything in it about Hades hoping to find his weakness, but all she could find was that he was married to Persephone. And the likeliness of holding a Goddess hostage so they could trade her for Saige was not high.

"What about a portal?" Zelena said as she came into the shop.

"Is that your solution to everything?" Regina said coming in after her.

"If it works, it works." Zelena argued as the rest of the family followed them in.

Snow and Emma immediately went to comfort Belle, and Zelena and Regina kept arguing about how well a portal could work.

"Well, it's not as if my last time portal didn't work last time, it did let Emma and The One-Handed Wonder travel through time and realms." Zelena said gesturing to Emma and Hook.

"It's true, but we almost destroyed my parents chance at meeting." Emma said as she joined the conversation.

"It could work," Belle said suddenly standing up and turning to Rumple, "It's not the safest way to travel, but it could work."

Rumple suddenly stopped and looked at the Emma, Regina, and Zelena, as if considering something.

"The last time you did a time spell Zelena, it took four symbols, wisdom, courage, love, and innocents. What if it can be made with four more symbols, for something equally as powerful?"

"What is the powerful thing?" Charming asked cautiously.

"Why Darkness of course." Everyone immediately started casting their disapproval.

"How is that going to even work?" Hook finally said.

"It's simple," Rumple said slowly as if explaining to a toddler, "We have four powerful magicians, who have at one point been consumed by darkness, we simply combine a spell using the different kinds of darkness we each posses."

Rumple pointed at Emma, "Darkness gained while being a hero." Then Regina, "Darkness cast aside for the sake of love." Zelena, "Darkness embraced for the sake of jealousy." Then he gestured to himself. "And darkness lost, and gained back by cowardice."

Belle hugged Rumple, she had learned to live with Rumple's darkness but every time it was mentioned, it broke her heart a little.

"That might actually work." Emma said gazing at everyone.

"Emma you can't be serious about this." Charming said worriedly.

"You could get really hurt." Snow said in the same tone.

"I know, but you all came down here to help me, and some of you came down here without a choice," she said glancing at Belle, "You've all been helping me this whole time, now I want to help them."

Belle nodded and gave her a hug as Snow and Charming reluctantly gave in.

"Alright, now if Emma, Regina, and Zelena could follow me outside, we have a spell to cast." Rumple said already walking outside.

When everyone had gathered outside, Rumple made each of the women stand in each of the cardinal directions, Zelena- West, Regina- South, and Emma- East. Rumple took the North spot and after a count of three each of them cast their magic into the center. A combination of green, white, purple, and maroon created a vortex that glowed in a powerful way.

"Everyone get ready to jump!" Rumple shouted as the vortex started taking a more solid form. Everyone who wasn't casting the spell jumped in, while Emma, Rumple, Zelena, and Regina waited after everyone else had gone before running into the vortex and jumping.

The last thought to cross Rumple's mind before jumping into a different time, was that he was never going to abandon his child again.

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