The Plan Part 2

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"I'm not comfortable with this." Belle said as the rest of the group marched though town. "Isn't there a better way of doing this?"

Rumple squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I think this is the only way where we can all leave safely."

Belle still had her concerned face on so Regina added, "Your daughter did come up with this, so maybe it might work without too much violence."

Something told Belle that violence was not something Saige was careful to avoid.

Robin looked around, trying to see if any of his Merry Men were down here. Relieved not to find any took Regina's hand.

Emma was looking at Neal while Hook tried to take her hand as well. "You okay love?"

Emma nodded, distracted, "Yeah, sure, whatever."

Hook sighed and let go of her hand. He caught up to Neal, who was talking to Henry. "Good to have you back mate."

Neal smiled and hugged Henry to his side, "Good to be back, I couldn't enjoy Elysium without seeing Henry again. The Henry that remembered me anyway."

Henry smiled at his dad as Hook looked back at Emma, who was staring off into the distance. "And how do you feel about seeing Emma again?"

Neal looked back at her and sighed, "I told her when she first came down here, all I want is her happiness."

"You know that Emma and I did a test about whether we were true love or not." Hook said, trying to sound casual and failing.


"We succeeded, but that doesn't mean that you two aren't true love as well."

Henry looked at the two of them and walked over to Emma saying, "I think you two should talk this out in private."

Neal nodded and faced Hook, "I don't want my being here to cause any trouble, I'm not even sure I'll be able to leave the Underworld after this."

Hook cocked an eyebrow, "Your preaching to the choir, mate."

They chuckled, but avoided each other's eyes.

"If she knows we're both here, but there's a chance that only one of us can leave, you should be able too." Neal said seriously.

Hook stopped, "What?"

Neal nodded and stood next to him. "I've been coming and going in and out of Emma's life for too long. She just got over me, and now she's found love again. I don't want you to be gone and have me in her life when she'll always be afraid that I might suddenly disappear again."

"Besides," Neal smirked, "I'll never be able to give her as many eyeliner tips as you can."

Hook rolled his eyes but didn't comment.

"And Henry seems to be warming up to you-"

"No," Hook said suddenly, "You're just saying these things because you're the hero and you know how to be noble."

"But you're a hero now too."

"Has anybody told you how I even got here?"

Neal shook his head, "All I know is that Emma loves you enough to come here, and her family loves her enough to follow. Or whatever Zelena's doing here."

Hook sighed, "I'm here because I let the darkness take over. The actual Dark One darkness."

Seeing the surprised look on Neal's face, Hook explained about the darkness leaving Rumple and the trip to Camelot, and the whole "Dark Swan" thing.

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