The Hell Hound

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Saige and her new "family", it still felt weird to call them that, were walking through Underbrooke on their way to Granny's. Apparently it hadn't changes much since 13 years ago. There were some new faces, and anytime Snow saw anyone she recognized, she whimpered slightly and clung onto David's arm. All of these new people were going to die in 13 years, and if they manage to get a portal to get back to their own time, they were gonna have to live by these people knowing they were gonna die.

"So what's the plan?" Emma asked Saige who was leading the way, for a little time to be slightly apart from the others.

"Well I don't know about you lot, but I'm getting a cheeseburger, then using what Athena taught me about battle strategy to figure out our next move." Saige smirked as the rest of them marveled at the fact that she's been taught by the Wisdom Goddess.

"What kind of books does she like?" Henry asked.

"Henry!" said Emma and Regina in unison, as Saige cocked her eyebrow questioningly.

"What?" Henry asked defensively, "Is it so wrong to ask what kind of books the Goddess of Wisdom enjoys?"

Saige rolled her eyes and continued walking. But she paused and said, "She likes fantasy."

When they arrived at Granny's, everyone in the diner froze.

"What's wrong?" David asked. They were looking at them as if they were holding a bomb.

Saige acted as if everything was normal and walked over to the booth by the corner as the people who were sitting in it scurried away.

"Well," Saige said to the others who were gawking at her,"Don't you want anything to eat?"

As the rest of them sat down, a waitress hurried over with a cheeseburger and iced tea.

"Extra pickles?" Saige asked.

"Yes." The waitress said, not raising her head to look at Saige.

Saige nodded and looked at everyone else expectantly.

When they realized she was waiting for them to order, they quickly told the waitress their orders, then went back to gawking.

"What?" said Saige as she was about to eat her burger.

"What's with you and these people?" Regina asked. Everyone else nodded as that's what they had all been wondering.

"Oh," Saige said casually, "They're too scared to look directly at me."

"Why?" Belle said, worrying what her daughter had done without the guidance of a mother.

"Well being Hades' apprentice has some perks," Saige started, "Increased magic, freedom to go anywhere in his domain, and oh yeah! Everyone is terrified to go anywhere near me and accidentally hurt me."

Rumple shuddered, this sounded way too much like what happened with Baelfire.

"Ok," Saige said, "Since you guys are my family and all, I will try to help you get out of the Underworld. All of you." She said glancing at Hook.

"So you've told us that Hades is your teacher," Emma said, getting down to business. "You have probably spent more time with him in the last 13 years, than anyone in his whole life. If he has any weaknesses, you would know them."

Saige thought for a moment. "Well Hades is a clever God, and I think I would remember a conversation going, 'Hey Saige, you know I'm immortal, but my only weakness is...' But sadly no."

As everyone hung their heads in disappointment, Henry suddenly perked up, "But wait," he said to Saige, "You're not the only person that knows Hades."

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