Chapter 5

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*Picture above of what Dylan looks like*

Next morning my parents had already left for work so I was alone which I liked in the morning. As I was getting ready then there was knock at the door and I knew it was probably Dylan . 

I was praying that he told his parents that he didn't want a ride with me. When I open the door there he was. I usually don't say this but he was gorgeous. He had the bluest eyes that I have ever see and he had  blonde shaggy hair that I just wanted to put my hand through. What is wrong with me! I never have thoughts like this. 

"Hey," he said. "Hi", then awkward silence followed I just couldn't say anything else because it was like my mind was empty. Finally he broke the silence," So umm we should probably get going. "Yeah Right."

 When we got in the car I put a CD on. " This is a great song." I was shocked that he even knew the song. " Umm yeah Happy Endings Are Stories That Haven't Ended Yet is probably one of my favorite songs." 

"So I'm not trying to sound bitchy but do you really like this song and do you even know who this band is or you just saying you like it to start a conversation.  " Mayday Parade is the band, I do like them and yes I was trying to start a conversation." He just smiled and it was  the cutest smile I have ever seen.

When we got to school and started walking around everyone was acting different especially the girls.I mean if there was a janitor around he would be mopping up the drool that was coming from their mouths. 

"Here's your locker." "Where's yours? " Well mine is just a couple over. " Okay" "Okay well I will be right back then . When I got to my locker the girls came a flocking to Dylan. And of course queen of them Zoey made her present. 

I knew I had to get over there before she got him under her cruse. " You ready we should get to class" " Yeah." " Hold on class doesn't start for like 10 minutes" Zoey jumped in. "So you can just go off by yourself  and I will show him around." She gave me this really bitchy look. I just looked at her and I was getting ready to just walk away when Dylan jumped in. 

" Actually I  would rather have Ally show me around." Zoey and I were both shocked. I looked at him with a confused look and he just smiled at me. (God that Smile could melt ice cream) ok this has to been something wrong with brain today.  " So it was nice to meet you Zoey but we need to get going." Then he did something that I have never experience before he intertwined our hands and we walked way.

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