Chapter 2

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I walked to Minecon, alone. God I wish Silvia was here. She was a close friend and she loved minecraft just like me. She's the best. I finally entered minecon there was already a ton of people here. I wasnt suprised. I looked up, down, left and right looking at everything. I had never been to minecon before so this was soo cool. Then when I wasnt paying attention I ran into some guy. We both fell backwards. "Sorry, I wasnt paying attention." I said satnding up.

"No, No problem." He said his voice sounded so familiar. I looked up at him. It was the one and only CAPTAINSPARKLEZ!!! 

---I bet you thought I was going to say Preston didnt you---

"Oh hey you're Joradn arent you." I said controlling the fangirl inside of me. 

"Yeah are you a sub?" He asked

"Heck ya I love you man!" I said punching him lightly on the shoulder.

"Cool." He said about to walk away.

"Wait! Do you mind if I get a quick picture?" I asked.

"No problem!!!" He said. I mentally fangirled.

I pulled out my phone and took a picture.

"Thanks Jordan." I said then hugged him and walked away.

Did that really just happen? Did I really just take a picture with CaptainSparklez? I looked at the pictures in my phone. I saw one of me and Jordan. Yep that just happened. This day was going perfect so far. After a few hours I had seen Adam, Ty and Jason. Which was freakin' awesome. All I had left was Preston. Where is that Cactus? I checked my facebook, still walking, and I ran into the a wall, hard, and fell on the floor. I heard a ton of people laughing and I could feel my checks turning red. I blinked a couple times seeing foggy. 

Then, I heard someone say "Ya need a hand." extending a hand.

"Ya, thanks." I said to the guy.

Once I stood up I fell into the guy's arms. I was SUPER dizzy. 

"Are you ok?" He asked as he set me down on the bench next to where I had fallen. 

"Not really. I just ran into a wall." I said making a slight joke. He chuckled slightly.

"Well, ya other than that. I mean physically, like do you need a doctor?" He asked. His voice sounded super familiar. WHO WAS THIS GUY? My eyes were seeing foggy so I still couldnt see him. Only an outline.

"Well, I cant see anything, only outlines and my head hurts." I said. I put my hand in my back pocket looking for my phone. It wasnt there. It must have fallen out of my hand when I fell.

"Hey umm.. Sorry to bother you but do you see my phone on the floor over where I fell anywhere?'' I asked quietly. I felt like I was making him do my bitch work. 

"Ya. Its right here." He said as he turned around and grabbed my phone. While he did that I rubbed my eyes. That made my vision a whole lot clearer. He stood back up and I looked at his face in detail. The guy who I had been talking to was Preston. I almost fangirled like A LOT but, I controlled it. Im really good at doing that. He handed my phone to me.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

"No problem." He said to me. "You doing better now?" He asked one last time.

"Ya thanks. You look familiar?" I knew who he was I just didnt want him to think I was was some crazed fangirl. 

"Yeah, Im TBNRfrags." He told me. Like I didnt already know.

"Oh yeah, I watch your videos. You're pretty awesome..... Cactus Jones." I said laughing a little bit. He laughed too.

"Thanks, you wanna walk around Minecon with me?" He asked. I kept my fanigirling in with all my might. It worked. Im like a pro at this.

"S-Sure." I stuttered. WTF I never stutter. Only when Im nervous. Ohhhhh... Duh Im nervous I mean he is like my idol and crush all mushed into one person. I stood up and we started walking through Minecon.

"Ok lets go. There's no need to be nervous. Im a normal person, you know." He told me starring at me.

I looked at him "I know I shouldnt be but you're, like, famous on the youtubez so I kinda have to be nervous." 

He blushed. "Im not famous." 

"Yes you are I bet at least 1,000 people are here just to see you." I told him.

"Whatever." He said rolling his eyes.

"How are you so instantly comfortable around random people you just met?" He asked me.

"Who said I was comfortable?" I said starring at him with a furrowed eyebrow.

"Oh well, I just thought...." He said trailing off.

"What about you why are you so comfortable?" I asked right back.

"Because thats how I grew up. I was always comfortable around new people." He said with a shrug.

"Ohhh..." I said trailing off just like him.

***Preston's POV***

"Because thats how I grew up. I was always comfortable around new people." I said with a shrug.

"Ohhh..." She said trailing off just like I did.

The truth is I wasnt comfortable at all. I felt weird, I had butterflies. I dont know her but I invited her to walk around Minecon with me. Im so stupid she might be some crazed fangirl. Ugh. Well maybe I'll get to know her better today. I asked a lot of questions like:

What type of music do you like?   Punk rock

Why is she at Minecon?  Because she loves minecraft, duh.

Does she have any siblings? Nope only child

Is she single? ...

I wished I didnt ask that last one. She probably thought I was a total freak.

"Yea Im single. Why?" She asked blushing.

"Because I wanted to ask you if you wanna maybe..... Never mind." I said stopping myself before I embarresed myself.

"Go ahead, say what you wanted to say." She told me looking into my eyes.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over my hotel room later and maybe go out to dinner or something?" I asked wait for her to say 'No'

"Sure that sounds great." She said with a smile blushing.


Thanks for reading.





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