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"Quickly, we are loosing him!" The paramedic shout, everything was to noisy and fast.

"I need to be with him please!" I beg the officer who was carrying me away.

"I'm sorry miss, you can't be in the ambulance" The officer shake his head, I start to cry more. Hyperventilating, I need to be there for him.

"Miss listen, I'm take you to the hospital myself" The man said, with a warm smile.

I nod my head quickly, making my way to the black car rapidly.

In matter of minutes we were in the hospital, just in  time. The doctors were carrying Brad to a big white bed, pushing him through the corridors. I chase after him but they stopped me.

"You can't enter here miss" A nurse said before disappear through two blue doors. Leaving me behind.

I stayed there, tears blurring my vision.

"Miss over here, you need to wait in this room" Another nurse said, guiding me to a big room with chairs. Many people was sitting there, everyone waiting for some kind of news I guess.

I need to call the boys, I would call my dad but he is on a business trip. I sat down on the small plastic chair, rubbing my eyes. I looked around the room, searching for a phone. I decide to ask someone and soon I was dealing Tristan's number.

"Hello?" I heard his voice sound through the line.

"T- Trist, it's me" I said, my voice soar and trembling.

"Uhm? Wha- Oh my fucking God, Lauren? Is it you?" 

"Yes, please come to the hospital" I said, letting out a big sob.

"What happen? Where is Brad?" He said, my heart aching at the mention of his name.

"H- he was shot" I cried.

"I'm on my way" He said, before the line went silent.

I returned to my seat, my hands shaking. I tried my to remain calm, but I was loosing it, I was loosing him.

"Lauren!" I heard a familiar voice shout my name.

"Connor?" I cried, standing up again and running to him. 

He generously embrace me in his arms.

"Everything is going to be okay, calm down" He said, his tone calming.

"Where were you?" I ask.

"I run out of the house for help, an old man help me call an ambulance" He said, I smile against his shoulder.

"Thank you" I mumble before we both sat on the waiting room.

Few moments later Tristan and Dylan were walking fast peace towards us.

"What is going on?" Dylan ask, a worried expression was obvious on his pale face.

"Brad was shot, a- and I don't know" I said "They won't tell me what happen to him" I sob.

"I'm sure he will be alright" Tristan said, even though it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself.

We spent a lot of time there, soon James was with us too. We all were waiting to hear something about Brad, and suddenly a tall man in his white uniform approach to us.

"Uhm... Brad Simpson, right?" He said, examining his notes.

"Yes, h- how is he?" I ask, afraid to hear the worst.

"He is alive" The doctor said. I released a big chunk of air my body was containing.

"But..." The doctor sighed "He lost 68 percent of his blood, if we don't get him a donator, he wont survive long"

"How much time does he have?" Tristan ask, everyone waiting silently for the answer.

"If he is lucky, 12 hours" The doctor said, not looking at anyone, just reading through his notes "You don't  have to worry, there is a 95 percent chance that one of his parents is a positive donor" Fuck.

"He doesn't have parents" I said, my voice low and trembling.

"Uncles? cousins? Brothers?" The doctor asks. 

I shake my head, tears brimming to my eyes.

"We still got a one choice, it is less likely to work, but it is the only thing he has left" The doctor said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What is it?" Connor ask impatiently.

"You are his friends right? One of you might be compatible with him, the problem here is that Mr. Simpson is O negative, which is a very rare type of blood" The doctor said, looking at all of us.

I looked at everyone and they all nod their heads.

"We are in" James said.

"Then lets not waste time" The doctor smile slightly "Who is first?" The man said.

"Me" Connor said, taking a step forward. 

"Follow me" The doctor said walking away through the corridor with Connor behind him.

Please, please let one of us be compatible.


Omg hi...

I'm so ashamed :c like literally didn't update like in 6 months or so and I'M SO SORRY, but you know I don't like to update if I'm not inspired and write a decent chapter.

This is going to an end omg I'm going to cry. thanks for the ones who still stick around even though I'm the worst author in the world xD

What do you think so far? are you liking it? 

maybe i'll make a big editing for all the mistakes this book might have but first lets finish it XD

Thanks for reading, if you still are :v

and I hope to see you sooon!!! lots of love.


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