New Beginnings, Bad Endings Part 1

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2 Months Later

Chris P.O.V


"Coming sweet pea"

I missed my baby and she's only been gone for a coupe of hours. I jumped off my bed and ran downstairs and straight to her. I picked her up and gave her a huge kiss and hug.

"Did you miss me?" She asked.

"I sure did...did you miss me?"


I poked out my lip.

"I really really missed you"


"And I get no love"

"Oh sorry hey Milan" I put Chrissy down and gave Milan a kiss on the lips.

"I'm going to lunch with the girls...I just came to bring her home"

"Aight have fun"

"I will" she said then left.

"So tell me about your day" I told Chrissy.

"It was AWES-"

The door opened again and Milan walked in with boxes.

"What's this?"

"Her cookies for her to sale"

"Aw okay"

"Yea bye" she walked out and left.

"Can I buy some?" I asked.

"How much we talking?"

"I'll give you 250 from me and mommy"

"So how much you want?"

"Just give us....10"

I watched as she counted which put a smile on my face. I'm a very proud father and I would do anything for my princess and she knows it. She comes to me for everything.


"Daddy guess what happened at school today?" Chrissy walked in my..I mean our room climbing on the bed while I got dressed.

"What happened girl?"

"Some ugly ratchet girl came up to me talkin bout she my new mommy cause you and her are married" she said and I raised my eyebrow slipping into my pants.

"Oh no she didn't ...she is to young to be getting with daddy" I snapped my fingers in a 'Z' motion.

"Oh yes she did and she goes to every home game you have"

"That girl a stalker" I chuckled and added a chain on.

She giggled.

"I know I was like you wish can have my daddy but my daddy is to good looking for you" she said.

"She dat ugly"

"She look like cruella deville's sister" she laughed.

"Ewwww" I joined her.

"Anyways I was like girl you is acting way to grown I was like you is 5 not 25"

"That's my baby..setting it straight for the little girls" I kissed her forehead.

She smiled and puckered her lips and I gave her some suga.

"How do I look?"

"Where's your shirt?"

"This is just for the house" I was wearing black Polo Ralph Lauren briefs and white skinny jeans, sagging. I put my low black and white Jordan 11s and a couple of chains.

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