chapter 13

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so I am back again so sorry for the late update ..........                                                                                   happy reading :) 

ELIANA POV :                                                                                                                                                    

jack hold the girl and said " come i will take u home " the girl refuse to go with him he grab her wrist and walk towards the door . i don't know where he goes with the girl i was just standing there having no idea what was going on i saw Sean and Kay on the dancing floor they looked so happy together so i didn't disturb them i walk towards the main door . i decided to walk because all i need was some time alone with my thoughts . i start walking but my luck wasn't good as much its start raining but i was so lost in my thoughts and continue my walk the question was still there in my mind who was the girl and why jack go away with her without even telling me ?  yeah he was right who the hell i am . just a piece of shit and his so called fake girlfriend no one wants me . Tears start falling from my eyes my hairs were wet my dress was soaked in water and i start feeling cold but for me it didn't matter after sometime i feel a warm jacket around me .I turned my self and saw jack was standing there "are u out of your mind " he said without giving any answer to him i start my walk again " wait ana " he yelled but i didn't stop he hold my wrist " i said stop eliana " he said "what do u want jack " i said " why you leave the club all alone and decide to take a walk in this heavy rain u might catch cold " he said with concern in his voice " oh really am i the one who leave without saying a single word " tears start falling from my eyes " i am sorry eliana she is just a friend so i just helped her it will never happen again " he replied "is this explanation is enough or u have something else to say " i replied "ana come sit into the car i will drop u home " he said " no thanks my house is just few blocks away now so just leave i will manage " i replied and start walking again he grab my wrist and walk towards his car opened the door of his car and ordered me to sit without any argue i sat into his car and he drive me home the ride was silent and that silence was killing me inside but i didn't say any word when he dropped me home i ran away into my room took a hot shower and change my soaking clothes . i lay down in my bed and sleep took over me The day was hectic and worst my first day as his fake girlfriend 

Sunday                                                                                                                                                                                             "No grandma i don't want to meet her she ruin my life please tell her to not come here i am fine and happy " i said to my grandma . my grandma told me that my step mother was coming to see me but i didn't want to meet her she ruin my life with that i ran towards my room and slam the door shut behind me i was so angry i read some of the text from kay and cal asking me if i am okay or not but i didn't in a mood to reply so i just switched my phone off . uhh it was getting worst i don't know where my life was going my grandma went with her friends to some charity function and told me to eat but it was 10 o clock in the night i haven't eat something from whole day suddenly i heard a knock from outside my window i was so scared i grab a vase from my side table and ready to attack the person outside the window suddenly i saw a familiar face . Jack was standing there i opened the window wide for him to come in "what do u want jack what are u doing here " i said " have u been crying for whole day " he replied i turned my face and take a look in the mirror i look like a zombie my hairs were all messed my i got dark circles underneath my eyes and eyes were swelled . "no umm nothing what do u want " i replied " why you are not replying to my text and not attending my calls so i am here to check up on u if u okay or not but it seems like that u r not okay " he replied " no i am fine u should go now " i said " have u take dinner " he asked " not in a mood " i replied "okay come with me " he ordered before i said something he grab my hand and we both moved towards the main door . he drive me to Mcdonald's  we took our meal and eat it the whole ride was silent but not awkward silent "what happened are u still angry at me " he asked i want to say yes because he is also the reason but i didn't say any word " nothing i am okay  " i replied " oh okay " was all he said . he dropped me home and it was 12 o clock in the morning i lay down on my bed and just hoping for the better day don't know what's gonna happen in school
Done with chapter 13 hope u guys like it
Happy reading :* love u all
Emma john ♡♡♡

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