chapter 9

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Update again
I am back again :*
Ready for the twist
Eliana's dress for the party
Eliana's pov
After jack drop me home i walked towards my room where kay was already waiting for me . She was not in a good mood . "Where were u whole night" kay said i feel anger in her eyes i can't blame her its my mistake i didn't text her for once . "Umm i am sorry mother it was too late to came back so i just stay there " i said in a baby voice which make her laugh "okay tell me how was the date . Is something happen between u two " kay said . my cheeks turn to a lighter shade of pink" I-I ....umm we kissed and a little make out session but i was not sure so i stopped him to not go further " i said as my heart beats getting so fast . "U what ? U dumb Ass u were with the most sexiest guy in the school and still u stopped him well i can't blame u . I think u should gave yourself more time . She said . "Kay i think he is not a bad boy . The way he treat me i think i am falling for him i_i like him . I said and my cheeks get a dark shade of red . Kay hugged me tightly "i am so happy for u ana finally u start liking a guy otherwise i thought u were a lesbian . I slapped kay in her arms and we both start laughing time to get ready she bought a white shirt dress for me it was short above my knees i wear red heels with it kay do a little sharp make up to me and curl my hairs ."Oh My God ana u look so pretty . She screamed and hugged me tightly i saw a different girl as i thought it was me or someone else but i really like this change . We took some pictures as kay want to post them on instagram . Suddenly i heard a knock from downstairs "i thought jack is here u should go ana " kay said me . "What do u mean i should go aren't u coming with me " i asked her and narrowed my eyes ."umm no actually Sean going to pick me up from ur place " kay said i saw her cheeks turns pink . "Ohhh when did this happen " i teased her . "Ohh shut up vampire he just asked me so i said yes " she said while looking at her hands and start playing with them i know she feel something for him so i was happy if she got what she wants . " okay kay meet u at the party btw where is cal " i asked her . "Uhh that dickhead is so busy now a days in his football practice but don't worry he is coming to the party with one of her queen bee slut " she said and rolled her eyes .we both start laughing i heard the knock again jack was waiting for me . I ran downstairs carefully not to fall from the stairs as i was running with those dam heels . i saw jack he was there in his white v neck shirt and black jacket i wonder why he always look so hot and sexy . " u r late princess " he said while noticing my dress his famous smirk appear on his face which mean he likes what i was wearing . "I_I am so sorry actually kay was there so " i said . He simply hugged me and kissed on my cheeks i was still feeling his touch . The way he kissed me last night . My heart beat was getting faster . He offered his hand and than we walk towards the car . He drove the car slowly . a music played in the car was my favourite so i sang the song along . All the ride i feel his gaze on me from the corner of my eye . after 15 min he parked the car in front of Noah house or more i say mansion . Noah was jack best friend i never talked to him he was hot as well but not as jack . We passed through the grand door of the house when i heard some boys were laughing and make comments on me when one boy said "she is jack's new chick i am sure he is trying to put her on his bed " i saw anger in jack eyes he was full of anger . When some boy behind us called jack and said "hey jack i really like that chick whenever u get bored from her just send her to me she is so fucking sexy " with this jack turned himself and walk towards the boy all boys stand straight " u just stay away from her or u have to pay for this okay and she is not a slut so next time if i ever see u near her so u will responsible for it understood ? " jack said in a bossy manner and came back to me he hold my hand and we walked towards the living room . People were busy in drinking alcohol . Many of the people were move their bodies on the dance floor many of boys and girls do make out session which was so awkward jack hold my hand all the time after few minutes Sean and kay join us . I saw a guilt in jack eyes when he saw him . "Hey should i brought something for u just wait here princess" jack said and walk towards the bar . " ohh hi Sean good to see u " i said to him ."good to see u too "he gave me a small smile kay and Sean went to the dance floor . I saw jack was fighting with james . James was another bad boy . He was a man with troubles . He and his group had a very bad repute . So i always heard the news that james hate jack . I wonder what happening there when james came close to me . "Poor little girl i only hate jack but now u r with him so i hate u too " he whisper slowly . I was shocked what did he just said . He grab a mike from the DJ and said " ladies and gentleman hope u gyz are enjoying the party but i have something to show u gyzz . All people were turned there face towards the large LCD screen . I saw jack stopped him he came close to me " princess don't trust them . i was still in shock . "Okay so here we have some hot romantic scenes of jack and the nerd " james said loudly . I saw pictures of me and jack when we kissed last night . my heart beats so fast as i was about to loose my control and about to faint . I saw everyone were laughing "uhh i thought she is a nerd but she is a slut bitch " i heard some of the girls said behind me . " God she is so hot i just want to fuck her "i heard some boy came closer to me while jack punch him so hard on his face . " look princess it was....." jack trying to say something tears fall from eyes . "Ohh please jack cut the crap out u know what it was just a bet u know that so why u giving her so many clarification. James said to jack . Jack turned her face " princess it was just not ...." i slapped him on his face . I don't know what happen to me i was about to faint . I ran towards the main door cal was outside the door about to enter the party . " hey ana what happen " he said . I didn't answer his question and ran towards the main road i didn't know where i was going this whole scene was keep playing in my mind . He ran after me and grab my hand . The next thing i remember i fall in his arms everything was dark .
Jack POV:
I was happy that ana came to the party with me . I grab a drink for her when i saw a picture of her in someone's cell phone . I saw it was james cell phone . " hey buddy i must say she is so sexy . "I punched him on his face . " don't u ever dare to say something about her " young love awww" the boys behind him start laughing . "It was a bet u know that jack "james said . " no it was not a bet the bet was i have to date some no so popular girl but that girl is not ana she is different so stay away from her " james start laughing and walk towards her . He shows our picture to everyone . My eyes were just on ana who was standing in shock i could see the pain in her eyes i want to clear myself but she slapped me i stand there alone . I saw her she ran towards the main door . Party was over . I punched james on his face he punched me back blood came out from my lips but it didn't bother me . I walked towards my car . I drove the car for one hour my lips was swell but i didn't pay any attention to it . Just one thing remains in my mind what happen in the party . I knew she is gonna hate me now but what can i do . It was not my fault i made a bet but still it was not about ana i mean how could they ever think like that about her . I feel so much pain inside me . The way she ran away . I was so lost in my thoughts i parked the car in front of my house and walked towards my room i saw her friends were there she was lying on her bed . I get worried . I ran towards her house luckily the door was open i walked towards her room her friend caleb came closer to me hold my shirt's collar . " u jerk i told her to stay away from u bloody idiot if anything happen to her i will kill u ". I didn't pay any attention what he was saying my eyes were kept still on the beautiful body of Eliana . i took a step forward towards her when her friend kaley stopped me . " u better should stay away from her now . I thought u r a good guy but i was wrong . Now on i don't even want to see u near her "she said she was crying . Caleb pushed me back . I want to touch ana just for once i just want her to tell that what just happen was just a miss understanding . I walked back towards my house . " well done jack i didn't expect this from u . I thought u were changed but u still are that fucking bastard "i heard a familiar voice i turned my face to see Sean was standing there . " dude i am not in a mood to talk "i said to him " well yeah its ur habit to leave people in trouble when they need u the most " he said . " okay listen all happen in past was not my mistake u know that and what happen today was also not my mistake but still i am here because i want to make things clear but i know ana is not like u she will understand "i said to him and walk towards my house . I sat there on my bed continuously watching the window of her room curtains were close i just want to go there but i can't . I was lying down in my bed the thoughts from last night came to my mind when she was sleeping in my arms with that i didn't realize when did i sleep .
Okay so there are more twist to come hold on and keep reading my story .
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Love u all
{Emma john}

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