Talk about it

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Mr. Wests Pov

"Alex" I say cautiously. "What were you dreaming about?" Alex visibly stiffened and started shaking. "Hey hey. It's alright your okay. I'm not going to hurt you" I rub circles into his back hoping it would calm him down. Alex relaxes a little and stutters, "M-m-my f-f-father k-killed s-s-sissy b-b-because I w-was b-bad" Alex hugs me tightly. "Shhhhhh Alex it's not your fault." I whisper soothingly. "It was too!" Alex yelled and pushed me away from him. " I had sinned and father punished me! He said I had to stop sinning so he took away my sister. I was a bad boy. I am a bad boy" Alex had his arms wrapped around himself and and cried, "father said I sinned against God and that I would be punished... I'm a bad boy. I wanna be good" he sobbed "I try to be good. Mother said I was good"
"I don't doubt that Alex. Why don't you tell me what happened?"
"W-well father found out that sissy was a girl and hurt her"
"What do you mean Alex?"
"F-father got angry and called her a... a tranny(shudders hate that word) because she was born in a body like mine- but she is a girl I swear! She's my sissy!" Alex started rocking back and forth pulling at his hair. I grabbed his hands and gently pulled him into an embrace. "Your ok Alex your okay"
Alex calmed down and I urged him to continue. If he wants to get better he needs to learn how to talk about his problems.
"I-I yelled at father told him that she was my sissy. A-And I told him I was gay. He got really angry and grabbed sissys hair. He said it was her fault! That she was a bad influence. He took her away and I never saw her again. It's all my fault. If only I had kept my mouth shut"
I wrapped Alex in my arms and held him tight. "None of this is your fault Alex your couldn't have known how that man would react."
Alex kept silent and let me carry him to his room. I laid him on his bed and pulled the comforter over his body.
"I'll stay with you to make sure you get enough sleep okay?"
Alex nodded wearily and took my hand in his. "Thank you for being so kind to me"
I smiled sadly at him. "I think of you like my second son. I love(parental love doops) you soo much Alex"
Alex just smiled and dozed off. I sat in silence and watched him, keeping him safe from the harsh world. Alex had been given a cruel deal of fate, but my son could maybe fix that in the future.

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