Chap. VI ¦ Back to Hyrule Field!

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Link got to his feet and walked over to a nearby mirror. He grabbed a sharp dagger from off his dresser. He placed lotus-scented facial cream upon his face. He began to trim away at his beard, now looking like the young boy he once looked like seven years ago.

A maiden walked into the shortly after, asking: "King, the citizens are gathering in the throne room and the garden. It seems they want more information about the battle that took place at Hyrule Field."

A scowl formed on Link's face. In a growl, Link muttered, "Leave me be. I've been under much duress and wish to be left alone."

The maiden nodded and quietly left the room. Link ventured over to a nearby chest located beside his bed. He slowly began to open it, soon revealing the tunic and tights he wore seven years prior. He took the uniform out of the chest and placed them in order upon the carpeted floor.
Link stripped himself of the damp pajamas and tossed them in a bin located in the upper-left corner of his room. He dressed the attire upon himself starting with his leggings. He slowly pulled them up to his waist and snatched up the tunic and pulled it over himself. Link knelt down for a few moments for his uggs, cap, and weaponry.

Underneath Link's bed was where he place them previously. He clung to them and slowly pulled them out from underneath his bed. He stood up and fastened the bow, quiver, sword, and shield to their appropriate places.

Link walked forward to the door bearing in mind of what he would endure in the days, or even weeks to come. He turned the knob to the left and opened the door. He passed through the doorway into a long hallway branched out to other rooms or smaller hallways. It was lit by several Victorian-style chandeliers evenly spaced out throughout the hallway.

To Link's surprise there was no-one patrolling the expansive hallway as there usually was a patrol or two that would do so. He silently tiptoed to the closest door and peeked through a peephole. Inside there was a servant silently dozing off to sleep. Awkward and a bit embarrassed, Link backed off from the door and trudged to the end of the long hallway. Approaching the door that lead to the throne room, Link pressed the side of his face up against the door. Link heard three shrouded voices talking in conversation. Two sounded masculine while the other sounded more feminine. It suddenly dawned on Link that the voice was Zelda's and one of the other voices had to be Romulus.

Pressing even closer to the door, Link heard, "...hopefully he's able to make this trip with me. We have many citizens gathered here outside and in here for his announcement. It'd be a crying shame if he refused to go, despite him saying he would."

Zelda softly muttered, "Agreed, Romulus. Should we go see if he's ready?"

Romulus gruffly exclaimed in response, "Certainly! Another thing, I just hope him and I don't run up on some Moblins or a Gerudo encampment. They've been frequently roaming the plains of Hyrule Field. Alright, I'll go get him."

Link waited momentarily for Romulus to open the door. Moments passed and they met face-to-face. Link approached him and shook his hand. They headed out the doorway and out towards the crowded palace where whoops and hoorays of joy were heard throughout the entire palace. Link stepped out from where he stood and in front of the throne chairs.

Raising his hands in the air and motioning everyone to quiet down, Link exclaimed to the large throng of joyous citizens: "As all of you may know, I'm going to go back to Kokiri Forest to speak to the government officials there about a great many things. I also want everyone to know that it may or may not be a safe trip. The rampant amount of Gerudo and Moblin tribesmen and women have escalated in recent weeks. Romulus and I have taken precautionary measures against any attacks to grant them as futile."

In a loud yell, Romulus jokingly confirmed: "Ah, yes, that's right! They wouldn't even be able to fend off against us if we were blind, deaf, and limbless! Of course, that's just a simple exaggeration and we'll have to be extra careful!"

The crowd cheered even louder than before eventually trembling the entire throne room and courtyard under such a ear-splitting roar. Link smiled and waved at the applauding crowd.

Quieting down the crowd once more, Link exclaimed, "I'm afraid it's time for Romulus and I to head on out of here! If you'll excuse us, please clear a pathway to the doors!"

The crowd transitioned over left and right eventually revealing a red-died fleece tapestry. As Romulus and Link walked down the tapestry, they received pats upon their backs and excited whoops and hollars.

They neared the door and Link turned to the crowd and exclaimed, "I assure you- Romulus and I will be back safe and sound."

Romulus nodded in agreement, opened the door that led to the garden, and waved at crowd as he left through the door. Link followed through and waved his final goodbyes. Once Link closed the palace door behind them. Again, they were met with a crowd of citizens that was even larger than the previous one. Link gestured for a path to be made so Romulus and him could walk down the stony pathway down towards the gate.

"Make sure the Kokiri know what's actually going on!" a citizen yelled.

"Be prepared for anything!" yelled another.

In response, Link looked towards the onlooker and replied in a loud tone, "Don't worry, lad, we are prepped for anything."

They neared the iron gate that separated the courtyard from the town square. Link waited for a few moments until the gate ascended upwards. As expected, the gate rose up and both of them turned the crowd and the previous one just so happen to exit out of the palace doors.

Looking directly at his wife and child, Link declared: "This diplomatical issue has stricken our kingdom for far to long! Today's the day we mend relations with the Kokiri and smite the threats of Vaati, the Gerudo, and the Picori alike! It's time!"

Link allowed Romulus to head to the town square first and he followed sway. He unsheathed his sword to check it up a bit.

Romulus looked over at him and replied, "Better keep that sword handy. This'll be quite the adventure!"

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