Chap. XX | Link vs. Gharabha

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Link swung his sword in two diagonal sways; a downward motion from the left to the right and from the left to right in upward swing. Afterward, he readied his shield in front in his right hand and in the other hand rested his sword in defensive stance. Moments had soon passed as Link waited for Gharabha to make his move.

Chuckling to himself, Gharabha insulted Link by stating, "You sure are under pressure. May I lay it off now?"

Sweating but still energetic, Link growled through gritted teeth, "Never!" Darting to and fro to left and right, Link picked up pace as he raced over to Gharabha. 

In reaction, Gharabha, stunned and eyes widened, took steps back. An alluring yellowish glow resonated from Link's body as if the summoning the power of the Goddess's to his will. Link rose the sword skyward as he leaped toward the immense Gerudo. At lightening speed, the Master Sword had garnered more immense energy from the heavenly bodies from the sky above. 

Link, feet away from Gharabha, swung the sword in diagonal sway to Gharabha's torso. The pent-up energy seemed to have 'jumped' completely off Link's sword and leeched toward Gharabha's torso whilst burning the very skin it came in contact with. Glowing in complete brilliance, the Link's Skyward Strike burned thoroughly through the toughened green layers of his skin. 

Gharabha, in response, fell to his knees whilst pulling down on the dome of hair on his head. Erupting from his throat were ear-splitting screams of agony and pain. Moments passed and the yellow shine of the Skyward Strike began to fade away and what was left in its wake was a deepened cut where blood began to seep down Gharabha's sternum. Around the edges of his cut were burnt pinkish areas where the blaze of the blast fried away at his skin. 

Gharabha, in front of Link but facing opposite direction of him, veered his head to the side to see Link peripherally. "Ugh, nice surprise there, I see. I hope that's not the only trick you have up your sleeve," he finished thereafter side-swiping Link's feet from out under him. Link, back to the ground, collapsed from the crushing weight of Gharabha's leg. Gharabha, meandering over to Link, picked him by the neck and brought him in a foot's length from his face. Gharabha, eyeing him precariously, pointed a jutted finger at his hemorrhaging torso. 

"See this?!" he growled in rage. "You scarred me good! Now you'll be faced with consequences, boy!"

Gharabha rose Link's dangling body ever-so-higher into the sky. Tilting his hold of him backward, he roared once more, "How do you like the pain of a thick tree truck coming toward you at lightening speed, Link?!"

Link, gulping but nonetheless responsive, replied in snide: "Ehh, it wouldn't really feel good really."

Tilting his head up to Link's helpless self, he roared again, "HAHA, exactly, it wouldn't feel good. Sarcasm may it be- no need for it here in my presence, Link."

Arms-free and sword in hand, Link taunted: "Think I care?!" Thereafter, he plunged the sword downward and it seeped within the palm of Gharabha's.

"Yaaagh!" he yelped in angst. Link lifted the blade out from the deepened hole upon Gharabha's hand. Dropping Link, Gharabha wiped the profusing blood away in embarrassment. Each pulse from his heart only fueled the blood to exit out from the wound. Gharabha stopped wiping away at the continuing pint that seem to leech out from the hole. Instead, a hold of his wrist, his eyes widened in horror. Strangely enough the blood would not clot thus he was losing more and more blood as each second ticked by.

Gharabha, holding his injured hand up, bellowed aloud, "Damn you, Link! The blood will not stop draining from my wound!" 

Link, shrugging his shoulders in carelessness, stated,: "You shouldn't have attacked me so rashly. It's your mistake; you should own up it, y'know?"

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