Chapter Twenty Five: The Fight

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Chapter Twenty Five

"But he's like the-"

"Please don't tell me he's the third hottest guy in the city." I roll my eyes. I was sitting on the couch in my room while Ember was pacing back and forth.

"Well... He's actually the second now, but I can't believe you didn't kiss him!" Ember yells running a hand through her hair.

"I love Nicholas! I'm not going to kiss Jerry!" I stand up.

I told Ember everything that happened yesterday. I told her about dropping a cup of straws and him helping me. I told her about how he stepped closer to me and tried to kiss me. I pushed him away though and told him to leave.

"I'm just saying he's one sexy beast." She shrugs. Ember thought everyone was cute.

"Whatever." I say pulling out my phone. "Nico hasn't texted me at all. He was suppose to meet me yesterday after work, but he never did."

"Hold up." She places her hands on my shoulder. "Please don't tell me he was meeting you at the diner." She shakes me.

I slowly nod my head. He was planning to me at the diner at 2:30.

"Jenna! He saw you with Jerry! He thinks you're cheating on him!" She continues to scream as she paces around.

Holy shit. "What are we gonna do!" I yell. I am not a cheater. I've never cheated on anything and I wouldn't break Nico like that.

Just then, there was a constant knocking on the door.

"There's two guys fighting downstairs! Come on!" Leo panted running down the stairs. Ember and I exchange a quick look.

We quickly go down the stairs to the diner as I pray it's not who I think it was.

Around the two males, was a group of teenagers chanting and encouraging this to go on. Big Momma wasn't here, so I was in charge.

"Move out of my way!" I squirm through a bunch of people to get to the front of the group.

It was Nicholas and Jerry. They were attacking each other and currently, Nico was laying on a table as Jerry was punching his face.

"Both of you! Stop it!" I try reaching for Jerry's hand, but that was a big mistake because the hand swung back and hit my eyes.

"Jenna!" Ember tried running into the middle, but people blocked her way.

"You just punched my girlfriend!" Nico mumbled, half conscious as he wiped blood off from his dripping nose. As Jerry turned around to see me on the ground, he let go of Nico and began walking to me.

"Jenna, I didn't mean to punch you. I didn't know you-" He says apologizing, before falling to the ground from Nico's punch.

"What's going on?" An annoying voice screams through the crowd. Everyone steps aside as a lady in formal clothes walk towards us. "Nicholas and Mr. Pattison! What are you two doing?" Nico's aunt yells grabbing Jerry's arm and standing him up. "You! Grab Mr. Dallas and clean him up!" She points to Leo as she grabs Jerry by the arm and drags him outside.

Leo and Ember pick up an unconscious Nico and drag him to a booth.

"I'll be back baby." I kiss Nico's forehead before heading to the door.

"Jenna, you need ice on your eye." Ember says stopping me.

"I will, later." I wave it off. I have to see something. Where was Nico's aunt taking Jerry?

I slowly followed them as they turned around the corner into the alley.

"What the hell was that!" I hear her yell throwing Jerry against the wall.

I hide against the wall, listening to everything and pulled out my phone. Ember texted me asking where I was, but this was far more important.

"I did what you wanted me to!" He sighed.

"I told you to make Nico jealous and describe to him about the kiss! Then, you were suppose to fight and when Jenna arrived, she was suppose to see Nico attacking you!" She paced back and forth.

"Relax!" Jerry managed to stand up. "Nico thinks that Jenna kissed me, so he's obviously going to dump her!"

"Are you willing to bet your father's job on it?" She steps closer to him.

"Bitch, go ahead and threaten me all you want! Those two are in love and all I want is for Jenna to be happy." He looks down at her. Jerry was 6'1 and Nico's aunt was only 5'0.

"Listen to me!" She slaps him across the face. "You're gonna do what I say, or else your old man's job is gone!" She walks away. "I'll be in touch."

I hear her heels coming closer as I hide behind a garbage bin.

I hear Jerry curse under his breath as he walks around the corner.

"Jerry, wait." I say standing up.

"Jenna." He gulps turning around. "I'm sorry about-"

"I heard everything." I look at him. "That bitch is blackmailing you?"

"I'm sorry if I've hurt you in any way." He looks down at the ground.

"Don't worry. We're good." I say as we walk back to the diner. Everyone has cleared out and I guess Ember closed the shop as they were taking care of Nico.

"Here." Leo says throwing me a bag of ice for my eye. According to Ember, my eye was purple and swollen.

After cleaning Nico's bleeding lip, bruised cheek and splashing his face with water, he slowly began to wake up.

"What is he doing here." Nico spat and he slowly sat up. He turned to look at me. "And what are you doing here? Don't you have better things to do like stick your tongue down his throat?

"Babe." I stroke his cheek. "Shut up and listen."

I told him about everything I heard and how I did not kiss Jerry.

"How can I believe you?" He looks at me.

"Because." I say pulling out my phone. "I recorded it." I say clicking play as we hear her voice through the speaker of my phone.

"Okay." He nods. "What now?"

"Now." I smirk evilly. "We get revenge."



One- I'm sorry I haven't been updating, my life has been crazy.

Two- I'm sorry there's a lot of swear words. Looking back on a story I wrote two years ago, it's insane!

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