Chapter One: Milkshake

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The Diner

 Chapter One:

“Jenna, get your ass up!” I felt someone tugging at my blanket.

“Five more minutes.” I mumbled throwing a pillow in their direction. "How did you get in?"

“You gave me a key to the apartment, remember? Now get up! Our shift starts in ten minutes!” My best friend, Ember threw the pillow back at me.

I sighed. Time for another long day.

“Okay, okay.” I threw my hands up in the air. “I'm getting up.” I rubbed my eyes as I stepped out of my bed. Oh, how comfy my mattress was and how soft my blankets were. Can't a girl sleep for just five more minutes?

Apparently, not. Especially when you're me, Jenna Jackson. The girl who has no life. Literally. I work all the time. (Besides taking care of my cat, Marble) I got ready as quick as possible as Ember went downstairs. I finished getting ready and checked the time. Shit! I ran down the stairs while stuffing fruit in my mouth. I can't live without  food.

“I'm not late!” I throw my hands in the air as I jumped over the last few steps.

"No one said you were late." My two best friends, Leo and Ember say in unison as they walked out of the kitchen.

“Where’s Big Momma?” I asked looking around as I tied my apron around my waist.

“She went out to the market. She should be back soon.” Leo jumped onto the counter.

“I’m so tired.” I yawned sitting on one of the stools.

“Well, who said to take the double shift last night?” Ember teased sitting beside me.

“You guys know I have to. I have no choice.” I sigh remembering everything Big Momma has done for me. I’ve been through so much and she’s been there for me through it all.

“We know, and we’re here for you.” Ember grabs my hand in comfort. I smile while I stare at both of them. They’re honestly the best friends I could ever ask for.

“What are ya’ll sitting around for? Lunch rush is about to start soon!” Big Momma entered the diner, holding bags of groceries in her hands.

“Sorry Momma!” We all say getting up and heading into the kitchen to get our notepads and pens.

Big Momma’s diner has been famous in Smithers ever since I can remember! Not only did everyone love her food, but they also loved Big Momma herself!

“Table three needs service.” One of the waiters, Mike entered the kitchen.

“And you can't serve them because..?” I ask. Oh yeah, cause Mike is the most laziest man I've ever met.

“Please, sweetiepie?” Mike looks at me giving me a sad, puppy dog look. Nope don't fall for it. Don't fall for it. Don't-

“Fine..” I grabbed my favourite pen and note pad.

I walked to the table flipping to find an empty page.

“Hi, I'm Jenna. I'll be your waitress today. How can I help you?” I looked up to find the cutest eyes staring at me. His eyes were a bright blue. I felt like I could get lost staring at them.

"Hi." He winks at me, making my cheeks burn up.

"Have you decided what you would like to order." I avoided his eyes and looked at his menu.

"I'm waiting for someone, but I'll just get a milkshake with you on the side." He smirks leaning back in his chair.


"You can go pick up your milkshake from Leo, who's over there at the ice cream bar." I roll my eyes turning away from him.

"Can I pick you up instead?" He says making me turn to face him again.

You are this close from having me smack you across your face.

I opened my mouth, about to give him a piece of my mind when Mike called me to answer the phone. I stormed to the phone booth, still annoyed of the tall, handsome boy who sat alone at one of the booths.

"Hello." I spoke through the phone, with no emotion as I continued watching the boy.

"Jenna? Everything okay?" A voice asked through the phone.

"Hi, Mr. Parker! Yes, everything's wonderful!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I know today's your day off, but whenever you're free can you come by the mail office? I've got a big surprise!" Mr. Parker emphasized on the word big.

I hate surprises.

"Oh, sure! I can come in about 30 minutes?" I say looking at my watch.

"Wonderful!" He laughs and then hangs up.

What's he up to?

"Who was that?" Ember asks walking out of the kitchen holding a plate of fries, hamburgers and pizza.

"Mr. Parker. He says he has a surprise." I smile.

Ember laughs as she walks towards a table holding three plates in her hand. I notice as she's walking she drops her notepad, so as the nice friend I am, I go and grab it. I quickly bend down, picking up her things and stand up. I turn around and got splashed with a milk shake.

"Oh my god." The deep, familiar voice slowly breathes. Oh no.


Hey guys! So I hope you like this story! I'm really happy with this story and it's going to be amazing! 

Thank you to my friend, Jenna for helping me edit most chapters. Sandra, for helping me with flirting ideas. 

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