Beyonce is a beautiful, smart, independent woman who has been focused on her career all her life but she feels as if something is missing. When Beyonce runs into a complete stranger will she finally find what she's been missing.
COMPLETED as of Ju...
I picked up my phone off my desk and scrolled through my contact list, finding Beyoncé's name. I don't know why but I've been thinking about her ever since we met. It's like every time I try to refocus my mind there's always something that reminds me of her. I clicked on her name and dialed her number.
*** right ring ring***
"Hey its Shawn"
"Oh hey what's up"
"Nothing much I just wanted to talk"
*giggles*"Well okay, what would you like to talk about"
"Would you want to meet up somewhere just so we could get to know each other more?
"I'd love to when and where did you have in mind?
"...Is waterfront park at 5:00 ok..?
"Sure, I'll see you later"
"Where something nice"
***Hangs Up***
Beyonce: 3:30
I smiled to myself as I began to get ready as I walked into the bathroom to handle my hygiene. Honestly I was beyond excited about seeing Shawn he's just so sexy and laid back and very respectful which makes him even more attractive. After I finished in the bathroom, I slipped on my red lace undergarments and walked towards my closet to find an outfit.
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Once I settled on an outfit to wear, I put my hair in a bun and did my make-up then texted Shawn to let him known I was on my way. I grabbed my shades, keys, and my purse then walked out the door to my silver 2 door Mercedes Benz and made my way to the park.
Once I arrived at the park I called Shawn to see where he was:
"Hey beautiful"
"Hey handsome I'm here where are you"
"I will be there in 5 minutes"
"Okay I'll see you when you get here"
While I was waiting I walked over to the nearest bench and sat there playing games on my phone until Shawn arrived.
When I saw Shawn walking towards me I put my phone away then stood up and smiled at him. Damn He looked so sexy He was wearing a black silk suit with black oxfords. I think I was starring a little too hard but I tried to play it off hoping he wouldn't notice.
*chuckles*"I said you look good"
"Mmhm thanks so do you..."
"Come on girl"
I followed Shawn as He lead us to what looked like a boat but I was sure until He stopped and turned towards me.
"Your not afraid of water are you"
"Good,follow me"
I did as I was told and followed Shaw on the boat as If I would be going anywhere else right now. Shawn grabbed my hand as we walked up some steps towards the deck. Once we made it to the deck there was roses, candles and champagne placed out on a table.
"Shawn oh my god this is beautiful"
"Well I wanted to impress you"
"Well you certainly did an incredible job, thank you"
Shawn pulled my chair out for me then once again complemented my look and I just smiled. I honestly can't believe He did all this for me I was almost in tears.
"So tell me more about yourself"
"Well I was born and raised in Houston, Texas and after I graduated I knew I wanted to do something in the clothing industry because well I love clothes but I just didn't know what hence the reason I moved here my first job I worked my ass of to get I started out as one of those live models and in doing that I happened to meet the right people to help me start up my company and then...I met you"
"Wow you are really lucky for most people it makes them years and years to get where you started"
"Yeah I know and I;m extremely thankful for that I guess I just had it in me....but what about you"
"Ok, I was born and raised In Brooklyn my childhood wasn't that great my dad wasn't really in my life at all but my Mom did the best she could with four kids me being he youngest uh I kinda got into some trouble when I was high school that caused me to get arrested and my Mom was completely devastated by it and I hated knowing that she felt that was so when I got I turned my life around I finished school went to college got a degree in business management and decided to start my own company and 12 years later I am sitting on a boat with the most beautiful woman I've ever met"
"I really appreciate the complements but.... if you don't mind me asking what exactly did you do to get arrested"
"I uh....I was selling drugs and I got caught..I didn't get as many years s usual because my Mom and the judge were friends but I those were the worst years of my life"
"How long did you get"
"2 years....look I hope I didn't scare you by telling you that because-"
"Shawn I'm not scarred of you and I never will be"
"Thank you so much"
"You're welcome"
Shawn and I continued to talk while eating until it started getting pretty dark then we made our way off the boat and Shawn walked me to my car.
"This was really fun I enjoyed the boat as well as your company"
"Thank you and I enjoyed you too but...."
"But what.."
"I really don't want to leave you"
"Well I could come over and we could watch movies...if you want"