Games We Play

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Shawn POV

The guards led me down the halls of the jail to the visitation room. One guard was walking in front of me making sure to look back every few seconds and the other was holding onto my wrists as If I could really hurt him with cuffs on. I didn't mind it though because I was just happy to see something else other than cell walls. I needed a change of scenery. My mind drifted to this so called "person" that wanted to see me, first off who the hell were they and why did they wait this long to come and see me. It was obvious and everything made sense when I saw her.

What was she doing here? 

Why did she want to see me?

Why did she try to ruin my life?

As soon as I walked into the room my attention was averted to her belly which was now very prominent. I sat down as the guards took the cuffs off my wrists and ankles. It shocked me but I didn't think much of it, I was to focused on the woman in front of me. She smiled at me and to say I didn't miss her would be a lie. I still loved her even after all the horrible things she did to me.



"How have you been in here.."

"It's been hard  but I'm managing"

"I'm so sorry about this Shawn I really am. I know you probably hate me"

"I don't hate you Beyonce...In fact I do still love you but I'm just confused as to why you did this"

"I never meant for it to go this far Shawn that was never my intention.  I blacked out and I did some terrible things and put our child at risk but I couldn't control it."

At this point she was bawling and I couldn't help but feel bad for her. I took my thumb and wiped her tears away but only made her cry more.

"Shawn I have to tell you something else"

"What is it"

"I have a mental illness that causes me to get really angry and act out. That's why I went crazy on you and hurt myself and our baby but I've been getting help and I'm feeling a lot better but...I'm so so sorry"

"It's okay Beyonce as long as you're getting better that's all that matters. And speaking of our baby how is he or she"

"It's a boy and he's great. He's been kicking a lot lately"

Beyonce grabbed my hand and placed it on her belly.  We waited for a few seconds and then I felt it. He kicked three times and I just sat there starring at Beyonce thinking how lucky I was. We smiled at each other and I couldn't help but kiss her. She pulled away and just continued to stare at each other for another 5 minutes 

"I have been trying to get them to drop the charges but according to them they're already in motion and apparently it costs a lot of money"

"Beyonce I just want you to know that whatever happens I still will always love you"

"No Shawn..I have to get you out of here okay I will get you out of here"

"Beyonce I understand but if you can't-"

"Time's up"

I stood up as the officer put the cuffs back on. Looking at Beyonce she was trying her hardest not to cry and so was I. 

"I love you Bey"

"I love you too"

We said our last words to each other before the officers led me back to my cell. I sat on the bed as tears rolled down my face. I was crying not because I was going to possibly spend the rest of my life of my life in a place like this but, because I just left the woman I love and carrying my child in tears. No matter how much wrong she's done I hated seeing er cry, I hated seeing anyone cry. I eventually laid down and drifted off to sleep.

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