Life Changing

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Shawn POV:

"Babe say something" 

"I'm not sure what to say"

"What the hell do you mean you don't know what to say? Aren't you happy about this?"

"Babe, calm down I'm just shocked that's all. I'm gonna need sometime to process this "

"Don't tell me to calm down Shawn and you still didn't answer my question"

"Bey I'm not sure if I should be happy or not. We've only known each other for less than 6 months and you're already pregnant"

"You know it takes two people to have a baby right"

"I know that Bey-"

"Then don't try to make it seem like this is solely my doing. You didn't seem to be worried about me getting pregnant when you were on top of me but I should've know you would act this way."


"No, Shawn I'm done talking about this I'm going home"


Beyonce POV:

I can not believe Shawn would act like that. I mean I get that we've only known each other a little while but I thought that He would be happy.

When I made it to my destination, which just happened to be my house. Immediately, I stripped out of my clothes and climbed in my bed and pulled the covers over my body. I don't know why but I just started crying my eyes out. I thought about Shawn and the situation that happened this morning and I just got angry. I jumped up from my bed and picked up a lamp from my nightstand and threw it against the wall. I picked up a book a threw it then I picked up something else and threw it. Pretty soon I was just throwing random things and then I went into the bathroom and broke all the mirrors. I knocked everything off the counters and grabbed a piece of broken glass and cut my arm. I wasn't just doing this for nothing I had a plan and Shawn was going to suffer.

I  walked down the stairs and scanned over the living room. I quickly flipped over the coffee table and threw the magazines everywhere. I grabbed the gun I had tapped to the coffee table and proceeded to mess up the living room then moved on to the kitchen. I broke some vases and stepped on the glass to cut my feet then I grabbed a knife and lightly cut the side of my neck. I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone to call Shawn.

"Hey Bey"


"Bey..what's wrong"

"Shawn I-I need he-help"

"Bey What the hell happen"

"Th-There's blood....p-please Shawn just hurry up"

"I'm on my way"

I quickly hung up the phone and looked at myself in the mirror and created bruises on my face and body which caused a little blood and redness in some places. I went downstairs and by this time I felt a little dizzy but I still managed to call the police and report assault. Of course I had to time it perfectly so by the time Shawn got here I could put a couple marks on him and the police would show up. Surly enough, Shawn was right on time.

"Beyonce...Be-...oh my god what the happened to you"

"I-I don't know th-they just c-came and-" 

I hit Shawn over the head with the gun I had behind me and proceeded to scratch and bite him. I would've kept going but I fell on the floor due to the dizziness.


Just then I heard the police sirens causing me to mentally smile to myself then I pointed the gun at Shawn and pulled the trigger. I missed him of course then I dropped the gun and He looked at me and grabbed me by my arms. The police ran into the house and I put on my best water works and started screaming.


Beyonce you should've thought about that before you hurt me"

The police walked into the kitchen and I smiled a little at Shawn and He let me go.

"Turn around slowly with your hands on your head"

"Officer I swear to you I didn't do this"

The officer looked at me then looked back at Shawn and signaled for one of the other Officers to cuff him. 

"Officer please....I didn't do this"

"Yeah, that's what they all say...You are under arrest anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to any attorney if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as I have just read them to you"


Shawn shot me an evil look as the Officer took him away but I didn't really care. 

The paramedic came in with a stretcher and then I blacked out from the loos of blood. My plan was one step closer to being complete.

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