Gifted Saints

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   So far dinner with Ms.Tina and Richard are going great, they seem like really nice people; although I'm not entirely sure they like me or not. 

"Babe can you help me with these dishes" 

"Yeah sure"

"No Beyonce, Shawn and I will clean up  you just sit back down"

I was completely and utterly confused as to why Ms. Tina voluntarily wanted to wash dishes especially with me but I just brushed it off and walked into the kitchen.

"Look Shawn I just want to let you know that the only reason I'm doing this is to protect my daughter"

"I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're saying" 

"I've heard things about you Shawn, bad things, and with all do respect I don't want you near my daughter, she has been hurt before and I refuse to let it happen again"

"Ms. Tina with all do respect I don't know what you heard about me but I am an adult and so is Beyonce I love her and I would never hurt her and If she felt threatened in any way we wouldn't be standing here right now"

I walked out of the kitchen to find Beyonce, who was cuddling with Solange on the couch watching a movie. I smiled at how cute their bond was and walked off to find Richard. 

I heard a voice coming from the patio so I walked over to the door seeing Richard on the phone. I slid the door open a little so I could hear the conversation. 

"I know but you know I'm with Tina and I don't think she'll be willing to go home early especially after the flight we had."

I didn't bother listening to the rest of his conversation mostly because It was boring so I just went back to the living room and watched TV with Bey and Solo.

Beyonce ~The Next Day~

I woke up on the couch with an headache out of this world. I sat up noticing solange laying on my lap. I gently moved from underneath her  and placed a pillow under her. I walked up  the stairs to my room to find Shawn spread out over my bed in his boxers. I walked over to the bed, climbed on top of him and placed small kisses on his neck.

I felt him shift underneath me; he somehow pinned me under his arm. I didn't fight him or try to argue I just simply laid there and soaked in his love. I found myself drifting off to sleep once again but before I could my phone rung.

"Babe my phone is ringing"

"So let it ring"

"Shawn seriously let me go"


I laid their defenceless and defeated by his arm. Shawn shifted his position and wrapped his arms around my waist.  I closed my eyes and felt kisses being placed on my neck and back. Smiling to myself I knew it was Shawn next thing I know He flipped us around so I was on top of him. He smiled at me and kissed my lips.

I looked in his eyes and it looked like he wanted to ask a question but didn't know. I gave him a reassuring smile to let him know that it was ok then he spoke.

"I want you to move in with me"

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