Chapter 5

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Daryl quickly laid out the plan to Sasha and Abraham through the car window. He was coming up with it on the fly and they had only one shot to get this right. "Are you sure about this?" Sasha asked?

"If you guys have any better ideas, then spit them out, if not we gotta go with this. We don't have time to fuck around. "Daryl looked at Sasha and Abraham, "You good with this?"

"How does she play into this?" Abraham asked warily. Dayna felt a shiver go up her spine. She could tell that this red headed guy with the crazy mustache didn't like her.

"Without her, I wouldn't have gotten this far, but Dayna can stay in the car with you guys. I just need help getting away after I park the RV. Can you do that or will I be doing this on my own? If you can't trust me, then get the hell outta here." Daryl knew he was overreacting, but he didn't need Abraham questioning him right now. That guy could be such a prick sometimes.

"Daryl, it's cool," Sasha told him while giving Abraham a dirty look. "You going to call Rick to tell him what's going on? Our radio is dead. "

"I'll make it quick. I wanna get this shit done." Daryl turned on the radio to let Rick know what was going on. It was a short conversation as time was of the essence. Daryl then turned to Dayna, "Get in the back of the car with them."

"I'd rather stay with you," she told him.

"You can't. I have to do this on my own. It'll be faster and I'll be fine," Daryl said with more conviction than he felt. If something could go wrong, it always did. That's how their luck ran.

"C'mon get in," Abraham told her. "We need to get this done."

Dayna left the RV and opened the back door of the car. She turned to look at Daryl before she got in and he gave her a little smirk. She smiled back before she got into the car with these strangers. That Daryl knew them was the only thing that allowed her to slide into the back seat alone.

The woman who was driving turned around. "Hi. I'm Sasha and this idiot is Abraham. Just ignore him, I do." She said with a kind smile.

"I'm Dayna and I will."

"Now that we've all been properly introduced, can we get this fucking show on the road," Abraham growled.

Sasha rolled her eyes and Dayna caught it in the rear view mirror. The corner of her mouth lifted in a small smile. "We need to wait for Daryl to head out first and then we slowly follow behind. We get there to soon it will mess up the timing."

Dayna watched out the side window with her eyes trained on the driver's seat of the camper. She saw Daryl sit down and immediately the beat up vehicle started to drive away. The plan was simple, Daryl would drive up next to the wall and push walkers out of the way with the RV until the driver's side covered the hole. He'll then jump out the door and try to get right into the car. Timing was everything and they needed everything to go right, they each prayed luck was on their side for a change.

No one in the car said a word as Sasha slowly followed behind Daryl. A number of walkers by the walls was daunting. Dayna sent out a silent plea that the RV could get close enough to block the opening and that Daryl would make it out in one piece. He had become too important to her in such a small amount of time.

"Dixon, what have you gotten yourself into this time," he said to himself as he saw the size of this herd up close. "This has gotta work, otherwise everyone inside don't stand a chance." He knew that if this worked many lives were going to be saved and if he didn't make it back to safety, it was a cost he was prepared to make. He was no longer the self-centered, angry-at-the-world loser he was when the planet shifted sideways into chaos. Daryl Dixon was a better man.

Daryl pulled his head out of the clouds and back to the job at hand. He could see the opening in the wall was about one hundred feet away. "That's a hell of a lot of walkers to get out of the way," he thought. He worried that they would get caught up in the engine or lock up the tires. He'd seen it all happen before. The RV was slowly making progress, so Daryl took his eyes off the front for a second and looked into the right side view mirror. He saw Sasha's car coming up from behind. "Good."

He was almost at the break in the wall, so he pulled as close to the structure as he could. When he was sure he had covered the hole, he threw the camper into park. He stepped on the brakes twice to flash the lights to show them he was there and then he turned the RV off. Just before he headed to the door, Daryl took a quick glance into the Alexandria compound. "Fuck, that's a lot of walkers," he said to himself. "Man, I hope Rick can take care of them."

He shot out of the seat and grabbed his crossbow. In case he needed it, he didn't dare throw the strap over his shoulder. His reflexes needed to be sharp. Daryl looked out the RV's doors window and saw the car was almost at him. He waited until Sasha had it next to the vehicle and then he threw open the door and made a run for it.

In just seconds, the walkers were making it almost impossible for him to get even near the car. Dayna watched Daryl struggling to get to the door so she could swing it open for him, but he wasn't making any progress. Each walker he took out, two more took its place. Suddenly Dayna got an idea. "Sasha! Is there a trunk release lever? Daryl can't make it to the door, but maybe he can get into the trunk."

"Oh my god, I think so!" Sasha exclaimed. She put her left hand down trying to find the lever that she was certain was there. She fumbled for just a moment before her fingers found it. She pulled it up releasing the trunk. "Got it!"

All three heads turned to watch the hood of the trunk pop up. What felt like minutes were actually just seconds until they felt a thud in the trunk and the hood closed. Sasha was momentarily unsure of what to do. "Was that...?" was all she got out when they heard him yell "GO!"

That was all Sasha needed and she got them the hell out of there as fast as the crappy old car could. 

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