Chapter 17

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Daryl had the map spread out on the seat of the motorcycle as they tried to figure out where to go to next. He was a bit frustrated as the first two veterinary clinics they tried were basically a bust. They only found a few rolls of gauze and some medical tape. They had more places to try, but he hated started off this way.

Dayna held out the list she had made of vet offices, she was disappointed too, but wasn't nearly ready to give up yet. "Why don't we go a bit further out? Maybe a more rural area would be better than around here?" she suggested. "What do you think?"

"Yep. This whole area's been picked clean. What you got on that list out in the... Oak Valley area?" Daryl asked. He knew checking the vet offices was a good idea, but they just hadn't found the right location yet. He ran his hands up and down his thighs as he studied the map, his long bangs falling in front of his eyes. Dayna had to resist reaching out and pushing them back so he could see.

Instead, she consulted her list again. "Looks like there may be two out that way. We should give them a try." Dayna folded up the list and put it in the back pocket of her jeans. She needed to keep her hands busy or they were going to get her in trouble by touching him. If she wasn't thinking about brushing his bangs aside, then it was touching his muscular arms, and finally, the one that always her tingle all over...pressing her lips against his.

Dayna then took the canteen she had hanging on her shoulders off and took a drink before handing it to Daryl who had just finished putting the map away in his pack. "Thanks," he said taking a sip. "You think we're gonna be able to find what we need?"

"I hope so. Hey... have you ever thought that eventually, we're going to run out of everything and what do we do then?" This was the first time that Dayna ever said that out loud. It had been in the back of her mind for a long time now. What do we do when everything is gone? There was absolutely no manufacturing going on and eventually, there would be nothing left to find.

"Worrin' 'bout somethin' we ain't got no control over doesn't do us any good. Just take stuff day by day is enough for me." Daryl handed the canteen back to Dayna. "Should take maybe an hour or so to get to Oak Valley. Let's get moving."

He swung a leg over the bike and waited for Dayna to get on behind him before starting the engine. He felt her warm body slide in behind him and she wrapped her arms around his waist. It felt too good to him...way too good so that his body started to react to her. Quickly he started the motorcycle and headed toward Rt. 87 that would take them towards Oak Valley. He had to get his mind back on to the trip and off the woman behind him. He couldn't afford to be distracted right now or maybe ever.

The miles blew past them as they winding down empty roads littered with leaves and debris. Daryl easily maneuvered the bike around abandoned cars and small groups of walkers. This is where he loved to be...outside and riding his motorcycle. Inside Alexandria, he felt claustrophobic and out of place, yet he had a purpose, responsibilities, and people that looked up to him. He never had that before the turn. As always he was a contradiction of ideals.

Dayna was still hanging onto him. As the miles passed her hold had loosened up a bit and he knew she was comfortable riding with him. He knew she was keeping her eyes out for hazards that he may not see, even though nothing really ever got past him. Daryl thought a lot about his passenger over the quiet roads they covered. Today her long dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail again. She tended to wear it this way a lot, but he preferred it down. It always looked so soft and shiny and...

"Daryl, wasn't that our turn?" Dayna called out to him.


"Yeah...hang on I'm turning around," he told her. He pulled a wide U-turn and headed back to the road he missed. He was glad that Dayna didn't say anything about it, as he was not about to tell her that he was thinking about her hair and that's what made him screw up. For the rest of the short trip to the first vet office, he kicked himself for being distracted and getting caught

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