Chapter 39

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Daryl's life changed the instant Dayna said she loved him. He knew they shared an unexplainable bond between them that just didn't come from their attraction to each other, but it came from deep inside. They had been drawn together from the start and no matter how hard he tried to forget her, he was always drawn back. She affected him like no one else ever did or ever would. He found the woman he never imagined existed.

Dayna looked up at Daryl and smiled as he pressed his lips to hers. His hands came up to cup her face and he eventually pulled back from the kiss. "What are you smiling about?" he laughed.

"! I am just so happy!" she told him. Her huge grin slowly changed to a look that had his heart racing and his palms sweating. "This is the first time that we've been really all alone."

Dayna raises a hand to move Daryl's bangs out of his eyes, and the light touch of her fingertips on his skin caused his pulse to race.

Daryl's fingertips reach out and skimmed her cheek. His solemn eyes held her captive, were now a deep dark blue. "Are you sure?"

"More sure than I've been of anything in my life," she told him. Dayna pulled him to her and their mouths met again this time in total surrender. Their hunger intensified, promising only to increase with each taste.

Daryl sought to memorize every inch his mouth could touch. His onslaught made her dizzy; the intensity almost frightening. What areas of her face that his lips missed his fingers didn't. His fingertips traced the outline of her jaw and then ran softly over her lips. Dayna took his index finger into her mouth and caressed it with her tongue, hinting at promises to come. Daryl's bold lips found themselves drawn back to Dayna's soft pliant ones. He became more demanding, more forceful as his tongue invaded her mouth and took control.

When he suddenly took his mouth from hers to ravage the cord of her neck, Dayna felt her body overcome with a heat. His teeth brought tiny ripples of pain to blend with the pleasure. Never had desire been so quick, so all-consuming for her.

Daryl had never had a physical desire so strong and so quick for a woman before. Sure it had been years since he had sex and never with anyone he gave a damn about, so he was afraid he'd be clumsy and fast. He wanted this time, this first time with Dayna to be special, but what did he know about loving a woman? He could fuck 'em, but Dayna was different and therefore he wanted this to be perfect.

His desire to touch her was overwhelming. He could only get out one word, "Bed."

They separated only for the few seconds it took to move onto the bed, and then their mouths eagerly sought the others. Gently he moved his hand to explore more of her. She welcomed his touch but was startled by the sparks of electricity that followed the path of his fingers all over her body. His hand rested briefly on her flat stomach before it moved under her shirt and he felt her soft skin.

Daryl moved his hand up higher and gently touched the soft curve of her breast with his fingertips. He enjoyed the feel of her under his touch. The anticipation was killing Dayna. She wanted to tell him how much she wanted, no needed him to touch her and where, so she responded by deepening her kiss. Daryl understood instantly.

He now moved his hand to cover her breast and kneaded it lovingly. Still possessing her mouth, Daryl absorbed the low moan from Dayna as he took her nipple between his two fingers and brought it to a peak. "Like that?" he murmured.

"Unbelievably," she managed to say. The sensations overtaking her body were indescribable. No one had ever made her feel this way before by just touching her.

No one.

Dayna ran her hands over his back but instantly decided the shirt had to go. In her haste, her fingers fumbled with the buttons on it, until Daryl quickly sat up and pulled it off over his head, tossing it to the side. Dayna took advantage of their broken contact and buttoned hers and slipped out of it. Daryl threw it off the bed.

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