Chapter 5: Friend Probs

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Veronica's POV

It's Friday! You know what that means. One more day till the weekend. Thank the Lord. I couldn't take another day.


I look out my window and smile. Chris is waiting to give me a ride.

We've become undeniably close. He's my polar opposite and I'm his. We fight all the time, but we always kiss and make up, platonically speaking.

I grab my stuff and strut outside, making sure to sway my hips with each step. Chris's eyes pop up.

"Finally, the beauty queen is ready." He says. "Oh please, you only waited for like two minutes." He laughs. "I know, I just wanted to see your reaction."

Ugh, why does he have to be so damn witty?

"Whatever, let's go before we're late." He bows. "Anything for the queen." I shove him. "Oh, stop it."

"Where's my boy?" He asks.

He and Chase are best buds now. After Chase knew that Chris was cool, they hit it off. They have a true bromance. I'm low key jealous of their connection.

"Oh, I almost forgot." I start walking to the door. He puts his hand on my shoulder, stopping me. I feel my heartbeat quicken and electricity flow down my spine.

"I'll get him." He walks away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Oh my god! What's wrong with me?!

"Hey boy!" Chris's voice rings out. Chase jumps on him playfully and barks happily. Chris sits on the ground and pets Chase. I pull out my phone and open snapchat. I record them playing and caption it 'My Boys💙.'

"Alright, y'all are cute, but we need to get going." I get in the car. Chris gets up and dusts off his pants. "Okay, mom."

Oh no he didn't.

"Don't call me that! I just want to be on time for school unlike you, you idiot!" I go off. He laughs. "I know, damn! You can never take a joke. Why are you so up tight?" I sigh. "I don't know, I just am. Now let's go." He puts Chase in the back, then gets in.

After about five minutes of riding in silence, I decide to break the ice.

"Look, I'm sorry Chris. I don't know why I blow up like this. I'll try to do better. I just..." He puts his hand on my thigh. He looks at me briefly, then his eyes are on the road again.

"Don't apologize for being you. I know that we are completely different people and I accept that. It's just... I don't know, challenging sometimes. But that doesn't mean that I don't love who you are, cause I do. It may get a little bumpy sometimes, but as long as we stay strong we can conquer anything, together." I'm in tears by the time he's done.

"Oh my gosh, are you crying? I didn't mean to..." I shake my head. "I'm not upset. It's just that no one's said something that deep to me. Not even Justin." His grip on the steering wheel tightens at the mention of Justin. "Don't say his name around me." He says firmly. I roll my eyes. "Why do you hate him so much? He's a good guy." He narrows his eyes at me. "You know why." "No, I don't. Why don't you enlighten me?" He pulls over abruptly and turns off the radio.

"Why?! Maybe because he attacked you! He also tried to hurt me and Chase if you didn't know." I scoff. "He did not attack me! It was a small push if anything. And he didn't mean it. He was just mad, we talked about it and..." He cuts me off.

"Talked about it. When did you guys talk? I'm with you all the time." He raises a questioning eyebrow. I sigh. "He is my boyfriend, I talk to him too." He shakes his head. "I don't understand why you want to be with such a controlling, egotistical asshole..."

"Okay enough! I don't need your permission to date Justin. I was with him long before I met you. If you want to remain in my life, I suggest you respect that. Now please drive before we're late for school." He doesn't say a word and does what I say.

As soon as we arrive at school, he gets out and storms from the car. I get out and lean against the car.

Why do I keep doing this?!

"Baby girl!" I look up to find Justin standing with our friends. I put on a smile and walk towards them.

"Hey baby, I missed you." He kisses me. "Awe babe, you're so sweet."

Justin has actually changed a lot since the incident. He started going to therapy and it's very effective. He's nicer and less temperamental.

"Okay enough of the that. You're making me sick." Shelby says with a totally disgusted face. I smirk. "Oh really, well I didn't say anything when you had your tongue down Lexi's throat yesterday." Her mouth drops. Everyone goes nuts. "Oh my god! Lexi out of all people!"

Okay, let me hip y'all on the situation. Shelby is a fierce, out lesbian. She has no shame in her game. She's also a huge flirt that can't commit to a single relationship.

Everyone's freaking out because Lexi is different. They've been on and off since Freshman year. They had a great relationship, but when Shelby started getting offers left and right, she couldn't help but cheat. Lexi found out and was extremely hurt that Shelby did that to her. She immediately broke it off with her without letting her explain. Shelby was heartbroken and tried to talk to her for weeks, but she didn't give her the time of day. So, she put up her player attitude to get over Lexi. It worked for a while, but she would always end up wanting Lexi back. She's never said it, but I believe she's in love with Lexi.

"Yeah, so what! I can do whatever the fuck I want."

Did I mention that she has a mouth on her?

"Calm down Shel, we're just surprised." She rolls her eyes. "Why? You know I love messing with her. Even though we're nothing right now I can still kiss her." "But you're dating Janet." She smirks. "And? Thats never stopped me before. You know I don't do relationships."

"You're dating Janet!" Lexi screams. We turn around and see a furious Lexi.

"Oh shit." Shelby murmurs. Lexi crosses her arms and frowns. "I can't believe I keep committing the same mistake! You're never going to change. You're a player and I'm done being hurt by you. Stay away from me." She storms off.

We all look at Shelby. I think I see tears in her eyes, threatening to spill over any second. "Lexi, WAIT!" She runs after her. I sigh.

"Why can't we be normal people?" I say. Justin smirks. "Because normal is boring. We're lit!" We laugh. I hug him.

"You're a special one."


Hey guys! Tennis is officially over! And only 3 days of school left! That means more updates. 😛

It's official, I'm getting my Aussie pup in August 🐶❤ The picture is the ultrasound of the mom's belly. 💕

I would love to know your thoughts on the story so far. 😇

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