Chapter 8: Drunk in love

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Veronica's POV

It's Saturday and I surprisingly have plans. My grandma is having a cookout for her seventy-fifth birthday. I'm going to have some fun with my friends and family. My mom and I are going for a few hours. It's not my favorite thing to do, but I need to spend time with my family.

Chris is throwing a party which surprised me because he doesn't seem like a party guy. He's so structured, you wouldn't think he ever has fun. He told me about it after school yesterday.

I think he's starting accept that Justin's in my life. I know he means well, but he can be overprotective at times. I'm a big girl, I can handle my own problems.

"Ronica! Are you ready?" Mom yells from downstairs. "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute!" I take in my appearance in my mirror. I'm wearing a pair of white ripped jeans, a gray crop top and my diamond studded sandals. I ruff up my straightened hair and apply some lipgloss. I put in my diamond studs and slip on my promise ring. Finally satisfied with my looks, I grab my purse and head downstairs.

"You look beautiful baby." Mom hugs me. I roll my eyes. "You always say that." She smirks. "Probably cause you're super cute." I blush. "Thanks Mommy." "You're so welcome, now let's going. You know how Grandma gets." "I know."

We get in the car and Chase comes running out of the house.

"Oh my god! I almost forgot my baby!" He jumps in the car. "Good boy."

Chase is truly amazing. I was never a dog person, ever. But he has totally changed my views on dogs. I can't imagine life without him. He's the light of my life. Whenever I'm down, he picks me right back up.

We arrive in about fifteen minutes. It's at a huge park with a lake house. Good thing I brought my swimsuit. The woods are so beautiful. We get out and head to our family.

"Hi!" Mom yells making our presence known. As usual, everyone gushes at us.

"Oh my gosh, It's Wanda and Veronica!" Well duh. Several family members I don't even know come give me a hug. One woman comes up to me and gives me a big fat kiss on my cheek, her cheap lipstick smeared on my face. Ughhh. I love my family, but are you kidding me!

"Hey Ronica, why don't you go find Grandma and wish her a happy birthday?" Mom asks. Anything to get away from here. "Of course mom." I start jogging away.

I go into the house. My Grandma likes to keep cool on hot days like this. I step in and I'm hit with a cool breeze. Ahhh. I spot her sitting in a rocking chair talking to all her old friends.

"Happy birthday Grams!" I yell. She turns and sees me. "Oh my gosh, Veronica is that you?" She asks in disbelief. I smile. "Yes, it's me." "Give me a hug baby doll." I bend down and give her a hug and kiss her cheek. "Happy birthday." She smiles. "Oh, thank you so much baby. You just made my day by coming to see me. I never see my gorgeous grand daughter. When are you gonna give me some grand kids? I'm not getting any younger." She says. I shake my head. "Grandma, aren't I a little young to be having kids? I'm only seventeen." She sighs. "Oh please, when I was your age everyone of age fifteen and up was pregnant. I know times have changed, but I know how things work." She is unbelievable.

"Well, I won't be having children anytime soon." She sighs. "That's a shame. Well maybe you'll change your mind."

Is she serious?

"How's that little boyfriend of yours? You sure are with him a lot." She asks sarcastically.

Grams despises Justin. She says that he's going to break my heart. That he's not the type of man I need. I understand why she's worried, but I didn't pay her any attention. Now I wish I had.

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