you wear his clothes ; l.h.

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You were late. So, so, so late. You were supposed to meet your friends for lunch in 10 minutes, and the diner was 15 away. You called each of them, letting them know you would be about 5-10 minutes late. They just laughed it off as late was usually your style.

You brushed your teeth and washed your face, throwing on some concealer and mascara because hey, you weren't really trying to impress anyone here. You slipped on a light grey sweater you found on the floor and some black shorts, slipping on your white vans to match. Now to deal with your hair.

What you saw in the mirror would not suffice. Especially if you we're going out in public. It was frizzy and crazy, and not in a cute way. You finger combed it and sprayed enough dry shampoo in it to degrease your hair as much as possible, then went in search of some sort of hat to place over it. You immediately ran to Luke's closet, knowing it was full of all kinds of stuff.

You rummaged through the mess on the floor, and through the shelves, all the while thinking, 'there has to be something.'


You ran to the mirror and quickly placed Luke's maroon snapback backwards on your head, attempting to control your rat's nest. It was definitely better than before, and something you could deal with, so you grabbed your wallet and keys and raced out the door.

A few hours later you arrived back home, giddy from your time spent with your two best friends. You got halfway up the steps and heard a, "where did I put it?!" coming from your boyfriend, who sounded a little frustrated.

"Babe? What's up?" You said going up the rest of the stairs and into your shared bedroom. You set your keys on your desk and kicked off your shoes, moving to stand in the doorway of Luke's closet.

"Just looking for something," He replied, sighing deeply as he stood and turned to look at you.

"Do you know where my-oh, there it is." Luke said as he motioned to the hat on your head.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," you grinned sheepishly. "I was having a bad hair day and I was super late so I didn't have time to do anything with it. Here." You said, embarrassed, as you handed it back to him.

He took and it and placed it back on your head. "No, it looks cuter on you. I'll find another one." He smiled as he kissed your nose.

"No, not if you wanna wear it. Here. I'll find another one." You defied as you placed it over his head. You pushed past him into the closet, but before you could even begin to look a pair of arms snaked around your waist and pulled you back.

You turned around in said arms and a hat was placed on your head, again. "Why are you so stubborn?" you whined, pouting up at your boyfriend.

"I'll answer that when you get over the fact you look really good in my clothes." He smirked.

"It's just a hat, I can fix my hair now that I'm home." You pointed out.

"Baby, you're wearing my sweater too," he said,
laughing at your blushing face.

"Really?" you uttered, pulling back as you examined the shirt you hastily threw on that morning.

"Uhm, yeah. Did you not know that?"

"No! I just threw on shit from the floor. I was really late meeting my friends this morning. I never even looked at the stuff I had on, I just made sure it matched." You shrugged, laughing it off.

"Well either way, you look cute and you're keeping my hat. I don't care if I wanna wear it." Luke said as he wrapped you in his arms.

"You're such a loser." You huffed, wrapping your arms around his waist.

"Yeah, but I'm your loser so it's all good." He said, smiling as he finally pressed a kiss to your waiting lips.

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