thunder ; c.h.

667 13 1


3am. That's what time it was when you randomly woke up in the middle of night. After about 15 minutes of trying to get back to sleep, you gave up and decided to just go downstairs and grab a snack. Maybe that would settle you down.

Quietly removing yourself from the bed, you slowly crept out of the bedroom, trying not to wake Calum from his deep sleep. You made your way downstairs just as quietly and into the kitchen.

Once you got some tea going, you took a look out the window above your sink and saw flashes of lightning streak across the sky as a soft rain began to fall. One of your favorite things were storms. Even when you were little, they had always helped calm you down and you slept deeper the majority of the time. Tonight was the exception, apparently. 

You finished making your drink, then moved through the living room where you slipped outside onto the patio and curled up in one of the deck chairs, laying a blanket you'd grabbed from the living room across your lap. Your body soon began to relax and you shut your eyes as the wind cooled your skin and the sound and smell of the rain enveloped your senses.


I woke up to the sound of rain falling against the window. Not long after, I realized Y/N was no longer beside me. No wonder I was cold.

After seeing she wasn't in the bathroom, I made my way downstairs, following the smell of freshly made tea. She probably couldn't sleep was my guess, she always made herself a cup of tea when she was restless.

Pouring myself a mug, I took a look out the window and saw lighting shoot its way across the sky. Knowing Y/N, she was sitting outside watching the storm. Strangely, it relaxed her like nothing else.

I crossed the living room and made my way outside where, sure enough, she was sitting in a chair, eyes closed, blanket wrapped around her. Her tea mug sat empty on the table, and as I got closer she opened her eyes and turned her head to look up at me.

"Hey, babe." She spoke softly, giving me a small, tired smile.

"Hey." I whispered back, placing my mug next to hers. I sat in the chair next to her and grabbed hold of her hand, pressing a kiss to the cooled skin on the back. 

"Couldn't sleep?" 

"No. I didn't wake you did I?" She whispered, laying her head over on my shoulder.

"Well, yes and no. I got cold and I woke up. When I opened my eyes I realized you were gone." I pouted. She laughed a little as she lifted her head to press a kiss to my cheek before putting her head back on my shoulder and closing her eyes. We sat for a little bit longer listening to the lightening crack and the thunder boom before I decided I should get us up to bed before we both fell asleep out here.

I gently lifted her head from my shoulder and stood up, offering my hands to her so she could stand as well. She grabbed her blanket, while I grabbed our empty mugs and we headed inside, trudging up the stairs. She was definitely tired now, I could see her rub her eyes and pass her hands through her hair. As soon as we made our way into the bedroom, she plopped face down on the bed and snuggled right in to the covers. 

I admired her for a second before I finished readying myself for bed once again. I grabbed a spare blanket, because I knew she'd probably ask for one sooner or later. 

"Cal, I'm cold..." came through, muffled by her pillow.  Called it.

"I'm  already getting another blanket, babe, don't worry." I said, leaning over to kiss the side of her head. I finished laying it across her body before slipping into my side and under the covers. 

"No, I want you." She pouted, twisting to look at me through her long lashes. 

"Well I guess I can manage that." I grinned, pulling her into my arms as I gave her a soft kiss. She tucked her head into my chest, folding her arms between us. Not a moment after, thunder boomed loudly outside the window and Y/N sighed deeply, her whole body immediately melting even further into me. I smiled at the sight below me, feeling more grateful for the life I had and the most beautiful person I had to do it with right next to me.

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