phone names ; malum

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Calum - "love of my life ❤️"

You were currently leaned against Calum on a small love seat in the studio. They had been working all morning and were just now getting a break. You were mindlessly texting your best friend while they all talked about random things, Calum leaning on your shoulder watching you.

"Y/N, you just let Calum read your messages over your shoulder like that?" Michael asked incredulously, looking at you quite odd.

"Uhm, yeah? It's not like I'm hiding anything. And it's just Y/F/N, so," you shrugged, returning back to typing.

"Wait, that's Y/F/N? I thought that was your brother?" Calum asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Mate, how do you get her best friend and her brother confused?" Luke chuckled from across the room, shaking his head.

"Because she has like weird names for people in her phone and I get them mixed. Also, all they call each other is like "dude" and "bro". I get confused sometimes." he replied, shrugging against you.

"Hey! I don't make fun of the way you text these losers!" you whined, smacking his chest. "And the weird names are only for certain people, so ha."

"Does Calum have a weird name?" Ashton asked, chuckling from beside Michael on the couch.

"Not anymore. It used to be like 'bootylicious' or something? I don't remember." you shrugged, turning back to your phone. Everyone else laughed, except for Calum, who glared at everyone else and started blushing a little.

"What is it now?" Calum asked, leaning back on your shoulder.

"It depends which number you're texting me from. I think one is just 'cth' with a heart beside it, but the one you're texting me from now I believe is 'love of my life', also with a heart." you responded. A chorus of 'awww's erupted around the room, making you smile and Calum blush.

"What's the name for the other numbers? There's like 1200," Luke giggled, rolling his eyes.

"I think for the one's he doesn't use as often, it's just 'Cal' then whatever country the number is from. And I agree, there is like 1200." you explained, laughing a bit.

They went back to talking about random stuff while you and Cal started having your own conversation. You both had this thing where you would write out sentences on each other when you didn't want anyone to hear you.

Calum finished writing out "I L-O-V-E  Y-O-U" on your leg, then looked up at you with a smile on his cute little lips.

"I L-O-V-E Y-O-U " you spelled out, lifting your head to kiss him.

"I seriously hate when you guys do that," Ashton groaned, rolling his eyes at you two.

"Are you talking about the thing where they talk without talking? Because I hate that too." Michael whined.

"Shut up you guys. There are some things we wanna talk about that you don't need to hear." Calum defended, throwing his empty water bottle at Michael's head.

"Like what? Dirty stuff?" Luke asked, smirking at you both.

"No, sometimes we just talk about how much we love the other. I mean, he is the love of my life after all." you added, ending the conversation once and for all.
Michael - "hot stuff 🔥"

"Hey, hot stuff." you giggled, greeting your boyfriend with a kiss as you settled in beside him on the bed. You'd just gotten off of work after a long day and you just wanted to cuddle.

"Why do you always call me that?" he giggled in response, pulling you down on top of him.

"Because," you started, putting a leg on either side of his waist and lifting yourself up to see him eye to eye. "You are hot stuff." you giggled, kissing him once again.

You pulled away, laying your head on his chest as you got comfortable. You pulled out your phone, replying to a few texts you'd gotten.

"Whaddaya doin' over there, babe?" Michael asked, resting his stubbled cheek on your head as he watched you.

"Textin', baby. What are you doin'?" you asked, giggling yet again.

"Watchin' you text," he giggled, wrapping his arms around your lower back. You went back to your list of messages, Michael's name being at the top as he was the last person to text you. You read it, it saying a simple 'i love you babygirl'.

"I love you too, baby." you grinned lifting your head slightly so you could kiss him again.

"Is my name really 'hot stuff' in your phone?" Michael asked as he pulled away from you.

"Yep. I told you. You're hot stuff." you smirked, laying back on his chest.

"You're a doofus," he muttered as he started rubbing your lower back, easing the tension there.

"A doofus with a hot boyfriend," you giggled, pressing a kiss to his jaw. It was silent for a few minutes other than the occasional moan from you when Michael hit a tense spot, and from Michael when he'd laugh at you when you moaned.

"Don't laugh it feels good," you pouted, slapping his arm lightly.

"I know. I do the same thing when you rub my shoulders," he chuckled, stopping his motions to simply rub up and down your back with his calloused fingers.

After a few more minutes of this you groaned, lifting yourself up. "I have to go make dinner now, don't I?" you pouted, laying back down with a sigh.

"Unless you want takeout again, then yeah, you probably do." Michael shrugged, kissing your forehead as he resumed his previous actions.

"Why can't you do it?" you whined, yawning slightly. All of Michael's rubbing was making you sleepy.

"Because I would burn down the kitchen, that's why," he grinned, giving you a 'you know it's true' look.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You're making me sleepier than I already am, Mikey. You might wanna quit or I'll fall asleep and you'll never get any dinner," you giggled, lifting up and rubbing your eyes.

"Nope, never mind. We're laying back down." you sighed, falling back against you're very warm and very comfortable boyfriend.

"Baby, get up. C'mon, I'll even go down there with you." Michael coaxed, sitting up so you would wake up more.

"You were gonna go down there with me anyways." you stated, raising an eyebrow up at him. You returned to your whiny state, burying your face in his neck.

"Can you carry me?" you mumbled, clutching onto Michael's shirt.

"That's the only way you'll go downstairs isn't it?" Michael sighed, laughing a little at your curled up state.

"Yup," you giggled, making Michael shake a little from your laughter.

"Fine," he whined, throwing his legs off the bed and wrapping his hands around your lower back. You sat up straighter, wrapping you arms around his neck.

"Thanks, hot stuff," you smirked, kissing his cherry lips as he carried you out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

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