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*Cole's POV*

I was sitting through Rains softball game. Mom was next to me dad was at the fence. Rain was batting. I pick up a helmet and put it on. I walk over next to dad. "What's that for." I smile "You'll see."

She swings and the crack of the bat is ear piercing as the ball flies my way I duck and it hits a tree. Dad dove to the side.

"Told ya." I smile. "Coach! My bat dented!!" He gives her another and she places her stance. The pitcher looks a little shaken up. I would be too if I had to stand in front of rain while she hit the ball.

She hits the ball and flies and hits the metal fence. It gets stuck in a whole. She takes off .

First second third and almost home.
"Go! Go! Goooo!" The Catcher sticks their foot out just a little as she slides into home. Causing her to tumble. I hear a snap and a crack as her body hits the cement dug out and her leg is twisted outwards.

"Oh Hell no!!!" I scream jumping the fence. "She tripped her I saw it." The pitcher confessed.

I help carry her to the car. Mom is beyond pissed.

She cranks the car. "Ow my leg really hurts." Mom sighs. "I know we are almost there." We screech to a stop at the emergency room. Me and dad struggle to get her out. I finally snatch her and run inside.

"Help my sisters leg is bent backwards and her head is bleeding!!!" a nurse puts her on a roll bed thing and takes off. My shirt has blood on it. I hear her screams. I jump and cover my ears.

That brings back memories of when the orphanage lady let her boyfriend beat us. All the time. He would put cigarettes out on her back.

Till one day he tried to rape her and I almost killed the bastard.

. . .

"Rain Radke?" They call and we rush go to the lady. "She's gonna be fine. She has a crack in her skull from impact and her knee was shattered. She will not be able to play softball in the future. Her knee will be too tender in all the wrong places causing it to constantly dislocate or even break. I'm afraid she might have some light headedness for a while as well to watch for dizziness or vomiting." With that we take to her room.

She is getting frustrated. "That bicth!!! I'm gonna get her ass back!!!" She threw the pillow from behind her head and ripped off the heart monitoring on her chest.

Dad went to calm her down. "Don't fuckin touch me!" I push him back. "Hallway."

We stand in the hall. "She has really bad anger issues. Along with a bipolar disorder. You need to let her cool off. Then you can tell her. But that might make her depression worse. Softball was her life." He nods.

We walk in. She has her head in her hands. "Fuuuuuuck." She growled.

She swung her legs over the bed only to scream in pain. And swing them back."Ow Ow Ow okay that still hurts."

"Here." I fix her pillows and her blanket. I pull her hair back. I rub her arm with my thumb. "Thanks Cole." She said calming down.

"Better tell me now. I can see it in your eyes. I know its bad news." She knows me too well. I can't not tell her anything.

"Your done. No more softball." She huffs.

Then laughs as tear rush from her eyes. She turns on her left side and cries. Her Right leg has a purple cast from her mid thigh to mid leg.

I kiss her head and sit in the chair on the other side of the room. "I'm sorry." I mumble I look down as mom and dad yell at each other.

Damn it.

*Lizzy's POV*

Cole was upset. He didn't have a giggly smiling and sassy Rain to keep him happy.
She is on crutches and constantly pissed off. Ron carries her up the stairs at night.

I'm cleaning dishes as Cole dries them. "Mom. Rain hurting makes me hurt. I don't like to see her in pain." He stops drying a plate and clenches his eyes shut.

"No. Listen I understand. You know your aunt Georgia. We went through the same thing. We hated it. It will be okay. Besides she'll be kicking ass again soon don't you worry." He laughed. "Yea she already tackled uncle CC for taking her chocolate."

I laugh "see she's okay." He smiles and gets back to drying the plate.

"FUCK YOU!!!!" Rain screams. Then we here a crash and a boom. I spring from my chair onto the stairs. Cole beats me up to her room.

I crawl/climb to the top. I reach her door way she is in the corner crying. Her mirror is smashed along with her knew phone.
The window was open.

"What happened!?! " I say army crawling towards her trembling body.

"Some guy called her and told her to look outside. When she did he attacked her." Cole said pissed off. We heard a car door. Then the doorbell.

I crawled down the stairs as Cole carried Rain. I got in my chair and opened the door. "YOU!!" Rain screams jumping away in fear. And trying to escape Cole's hold. He let's her go and charges at him. I roll to her.

"BATHROOM!!!" I yell and take my cell with me. She is in the tub. I lock the door. I call 911.

"Help some man is in my house!! He is trying to hurt me and my family!!" I heard a gunshot and dropped the phone. "COOOOOLE!!!" Rain screamed. I open the door.

Cole is on top of him screaming the gun is in the floor. Cole punches him in the face then the man throws him across the room.

He charges again busting down the back door. Cole and him exchange punches. "Your sisters pretty hot both of them." The guys says smirking looking at me. "HEY THAT'S MY MOM!!" He looked confused. But that didn't stop Cole from hitting him one good time in the chin knocking him out.

He stood up and huffed. He looked at me as his shirt pooled with blood. "Y-your shot!" I say he nods. The guy grabs Coles ribs and Cole screams. He grabs the gun and shoots him as Cole gets thrown into the pool.

Red liquid flooded were he landed. I roll to the pool and dive in. I swim to the bottom. He reaches for me. I grab his arm and make my way to the surface. My legs are struggling and my head goes under the water. I push him up above the surface even though I'm under. I try to rise again. And gasp for air sinking once more.

The lack of air is causing me to see black spots.

Rain jumps in. And tries to pull me out. She grabs me and Cole goes under. I push off and go for him again. I can't lose him. Not my only son.

I pull him up. Rain reaches for me and I push him in her reach. She takes him to the shallow. The pool is too big and too deep. I struggle then lose energy. My lungs burn.

I see black spots. I try to gasp for air. Then it all goes black.

*Ronnie's POV*

I pull up to the door open and screams. I run inside. Rain I struggling to the edge of the pool with Cole and Lizzy is rising to the top limp. I dive in after her. I pull her out about the same time Rain pulls Cole out.

I give her CPR. She is non responsive. "NOO COLE PLEEEASE!!! WAKE UUUUUP!!" Rain says beating his chest. I jump over to him and try CPR.

I begin to cry. My hands soaked in his blood. I Behan to do it harder he too was unresponsive. "STOP!!" Rain screams. She pushes me off of him.

She puts his head in her lap crying brushing his hair from his pale white face.

I run to Lizzy and pull her close. "Why?" I'm sorry. I tried to save her its all my fault." Rain says. "Its always my fault." She says burying her face in Cole's chest griping his shirt in her fists.

"No. . .No Rain it's not your fault." I pull her close with my other arm. " it's going to be okay I promise please just trust me." Sirens echo from down the street my poor Lizzy tears stream down my face I look over at Rain what have I done.

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