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*Ronnie's POV*

Me and Andy were going to see that new Batman movie. We were on our way to Florida with our friends and since Andy wouldn't shut up about it I was taking him.

We pulled up and he shot to the ticket booth. I sigh and shake my head. He runs to me with the tickets and we go I side. We handle our tickets and get popcorn.

We sit in the corner of the very top row. Then two cute chicks walk in. "Damn look Batman cheerleaders Ronnie." Andy says pointing at twin girls walking decked out in Batman. They come and sit right in front of us. Their perfume smells soooo good.

The movie starts and a tall older guy comes and sits beside them. The one in the middle leans on his shoulder. "Thank you so much dad!" She says. "Yea dad this is AWESOME!" The other twin sequels.

The one on the end is wearing a ton of makeup. The one in the middle is wearing eyeliner and lip gloss. Cute.

. . .

After the movie ended I looked at the seat. It had a necklace that said 'Lizzy' on it. It must have been that girls. "Hey Andy one of them left their necklace!" He smiled. "Well come on let's return it!" We ran out of the viewing area and into the lobby.

"Lizzy!!" I yelled and she stopped and looked at me along with her sister. They just stared at me with their mouth hung open.

We walk over to them. "So I am guessing your Lizzy since she has a necklace with 'Georgia'.Here's yours we found it in your seat." She still just looked at me. "Umm helloooo." Andy said waving his hands in front of their faces. Nothing. Then Lizzy stuttered. "Y- I-. . .I love you!" I laugh. Then Georgia jumps into Andy's arms. Attacking his face in small pecks of kisses. His face is covered in crimson red lipstick. Lizzy looks as though she is debating on attacking me. To be honest I wouldn't mind.

"Okay you can jump me too." She smiled and jumped me. And I fell to the floor. "Dang I didn't think I would fall!" I manage to breathe out from under her deadly grip. She laughed. "It's a talent." Her dad comes and Pries them off us. Although he acted like it wasn't the first time he has had to pull them off someone. He throws them over his shoulder and they smile dumbfounded and sigh in unison.

"I. . love . .fan girls." Andy says standing up. I laughs and stand as well. "Wow you have lipstick all over your face." I said smirking.

"Man Juliet is gonna kill me!" I laugh. "Well, you never know she is a very understanding person." He smiles while trying to get it off. "Yea maybe she will understand that a fan girl attacked me. And there is no use in trying to get this off. I used to use this stuff and yea." I smile. "Now you just look like a tomato I have makeup wipes in the car."

"Come on Batman." I say laughing and walking to my new Dodge Charger I got for my birthday in December.

. . .

I look over and Andy is passed out with a Batman blanket. I laugh and turn AA( asking Alexandria)up and sing along.

Soon I get a headache from all this damn rain and Andy's man snores.

I pull over in the Walmart parking lot. I turn off the car and close my eyes.

*Lizzy's POV*

Dad carried us out of the movie theater and to the truck. I was is such in freak out mode I didn't even care that someone was carrying me.

Georgia's face was priceless. I mean I expected her to act the way she did. I mean she is always making out with her Andy Biersack poster on the wall. She has a giant one above her bed watching her sleep.

Our room is divided with Falling in Reverse and Black Veil Brides. I mean don't get me wrong all the other bands are like fuckin bae. It's just FIR and BVB are our favorite.

Dad scoots us in the car and began to drive home. I would still live in my apartment with my sister but Vikki set it on fire. I lost almost everything. My sister too. Then my sister got a little bit meaner.

I lay my head on Georgia's shoulder she returns our little bonding moment. When we were younger maybe about highschool. I fell for this girl. Gosh she was amazing.

She was the best thing that ever happened to me. Her name was Angel. She had shoulder high wavey crimson red hair. Brown eyes and a warm smile. She smelt so goooood.

Her personality was so gangster. I loved it.

Well one day we were hanging out and she kissed me. So we dated. Then I was waiting for her in the bathroom like usual so we could walk to busses together. Then I heard kissing from the big stall. I stood on the handle and looked over to see her kissing my ex-boyfriend Chris.

I remember how I fell from shock and broke my leg. She moved and I never saw her again. And I'm glad. She broke my heart. I hope that they're happy together.

I never dated or let myself like anyone after that. I can't take heart break. I can't I just can't.

My sister can. She and I both are bipolar. We have to take pills every morning. I forgot mine so I am crying right now. But I stay sad. Unless a certain thought crosses my mind.

My sister can smile one second then try to fuck you up the next. Most students at our College are scared of her. And they should be. I don't get why our brother is. I just get annoyed and we fist fight then I win.

I lift weights and work out. I play Softball badminton and I'm on the swim team. I am sort of jock but smaller and female.

My sister is almost like the main character of 'mean girls' but she has a heart and isn't as much of a bicth. Well we are both pretty bicthey. That I can't lie about.

Dad pulls in and carries us over his shoulder inside. He is super strong. He tosses us on our bunk bed and turns out the lights to our after kissing each of our heads. Yea we were awake but he knew we were tired.

I turn and face Georgia. She is already asleep. I am too tired to climb to the top to my bed. Besides she is warmer.

I wrap my arm around her and she does the same. "Night Lizzy bear." I giggle. "Night UGA." That was her childhood name 'Lizzy bear' is mine.

I feel darkness surrounding me and I just let is consume me as I fall into a deep sleep. Today was the best day of my entire life.

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