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"I'm fine with walking on my own. So you can stop watching me from your window like a creep Stella." Carissa was heading back to her own dorm after a long night of studying with her best friend. She was just about to finish her second year of college.

"I don't know. Just- it's just that something doesn't feel right about this." Stella started to feel anxious and got a feeling like she was being watched. She thought she saw a shadow from the tree line and gasped. "Cari stop! Come back to my room and you can stay here ok?"

"Oh stop being so dramatic." Carissa was then in the shadows to where she couldn't be seen easily. "There is no one out he-." She stopped in her tracks when she heard a twig snap. She quickly turned toward where the noise came from and saw a man standing there.

"Cari?! Come on! You need to come back." Stella then heard a scream come from her phone and then quickly looked outside where she could see Cari. There was blood caked over her torso and she was limping like someone had really hurt her ankle. Stella quickly rang the security to help.

That's when Carissa stopped short and fell to the ground. A man emerged in a purple suit and pinkish hair. He seemed to have makeup on his face in a joker like fashion and he was carrying a knife in his hand. Stella gasped and covered her mouth as she realized it was the clown killer.

Carissa couldn't breathe as she started to crawl to get away from the clown but she wasn't fast enough. He quickly grabbed her by the ankle and yanked her back. She screamed bloody murder but it seemed like no one could hear.

He then laughed and raised his knife up high. "Have a nice birthday, Carissa." He then plunged his knife deep into her stomach, making an incision. Soon he reached in, and started pulling out her insides. He soon found her heart, and ripped it out completely.

Carissa tried to scream, but blood hurriedly filled her mouth. She started to choke as the clown brought the still beating heart in front of her face. He started laughing hysterically. Carissa started to black out. The corners of her vision were getting black, and the last thing she saw was his haunting smile.

~~~~~~~~Next Day: News Report~~~~~~~~

Today police have found another dead body that was in the same state as those involved in the clown murders. They say it is twenty-two year old, Carissa Reed. Her friend was a witness to the death, and she said, quote unquote,

"I was making sure that she was safe. I realized that something was off and I pleaded for her to come back. She went into the shadows to where I couldn't see her, and that's when I heard her scream. She came into view again with blood and she was limping. I got off the phone and contacted security, but no one picked up. I then called the police, but it was too late."

This was just like twenty-four year old, Mathias Reed's case. His friend was making sure that he got back to his building. He was seen the same way and the same thing happened before he was then killed. Police still are on the case to find out who did this, but they have no leads. If you have any information on the murderer or the killings then please call and notify your nearest police station.

Now here is Tony with the weather.

~~~~~~~~~~End of news report~~~~~~~~~

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