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3rd person POV

The sunlight was piercing through the curtains of PJ's room. It had a warm feel to it, but that wasn't the case for him. He was huddled in his bed hugging his knees and was as pale as a ghost. Images of his nightmare kept flashing in his mind. The screams of the girl and the menacing laugh kept replaying over and over again. He started to sweat and shake violently. A chill ran up his spine as he remembered what he looked like in his dream.

A clown. A clown that was his own creation. His name was Wiggles, but he didn't make him out to be a murderer, or so he thought. He shook his head, and got up to go the the bathroom. He looked in the mirror where he saw he was still pale and his once green eye were a shade darker than normal. This sent a shiver down his spine. He splashed water on his face to help get himself back to a somewhat normal state.

He walked out of the bathroom and turned on the TV. The news was on and they were covering a murder that happened last night. PJ's heart dropped as he saw the picture of the girl that was in his dream.

"It's just a coincidence, right?" He asked the air, running a hand through his hair. "It has to be."

The news reporter then proceeded to describe the killer and PJ froze and stopped breathing. They described his own creation down to the exact point. It defiantly couldn't have been a coincidence then. They described him so well that it wasn't even funny.

PJ collapsed onto the ground in shock. He started to hyperventilate as he felt the room start to spin and slowly turn to black. Is this actually happening? It can't be true right? It can't be.

He started to laugh uncontrollably like he was slowly being possessed by something. Someone, actually. He couldn't stop laughing no matter how hard he tried. He was laying on the ground now and was trying to breathe.

His head started to hurt from laughing too hard. Suddenly, he stopped laughing just as someone knocked on the door. He slowly stood up, wiping tears from his eyes in the process. He went to answer the door and his friend Sophie was standing there. She looked frightened, but smiled warmly anyways.

PJ let her in and she automatically sat at the dining table, waiting for him to join her. He decided to fix hot coco for them both before going and sitting down.

He handed a cup to Sophie and she took it gently from his hand. She opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it. She sighed and took a sip from her cup, looking out the window then back at PJ.

He took a sip and asked, "You're here because of what was on the news?" She nodded but didn't speak. "I can trust you not to tell anyone, not even the police, what I am about to tell you, correct?" She nodded again and took another sip not looking away from PJ.

He then told her everything. His dream, Wiggles, even his fit of laughter that he had for no reason. She listened to every word carefully. As he finished, she drank the last of her coco and stood up.

She walked over to PJ and put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "There has to be a logical explanation to all of this. There has to be."

PJ nodded, yet deep down he could still sense that something was off. He felt like he knew that he killed that girl, like it wasn't a dream at all. He remembered the blood on his hands and how warm it was. How it dripped down his face and clothes and knife. How it felt when he did it. The way she screamed, and how it was almost orgasmic.

It was so wonderful how helpless she was. He started to smile about this. He started to laugh but, it wasn't him that was laughing. He couldn't stop and Sophie started to back away from him. She hit the wall behind her and froze.

PJ quickly stood up but he was not in control of his body. Someone else was. Someone who he thought was a fictional character, but is proving him wrong. He was just watching. He tried to scream for Sophie to run but no sound came out.

His hands latched around her neck and started to squeeze. Her eyes widened as she tried desperately to get my body off her. Her face started to turn a red and slowly a purple, blue color. PJ screamed again but was able to hear himself very faintly. He could feel himself go back into his own body. He screamed again and was fully in his body.

He quickly removed his hands from her throat and took a few steps back. He looked at his hands and started to shake very violently. Sophie had slid down the wall and was coughing and hyperventilating. She was still alive and PJ let out a sigh of relief.

He kneeled next to her, and put a hand on her neck. She jerked away, trying to get away. "Sophie, it's fine. I'm not going to hurt you. That wasn't me."

She shook her head. "I don't believe you. You almost killed me."

PJ winced, and they both stood up. "Sophie, I wouldn't kill you." PJ felt a sharp pain in his head, and held it in his hands. He felt like he was loosing control again. He started to breathe heavily, and fell to his knees. "Get out of here."

Sophie hesitated for a second, but quickly ran for the door. She could hear laughing behind her, and she ran faster. PJ was just watching as all of this happened. He couldn't get back in control. Not now.

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