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I woke up in a cold sweat. The bright light blinded me from seeing. Blinking a few times, I realized I was in my room.

I took a deep breath in and let it out. Please be over. I got out of bed and walked over to my mirror. No cuts, bruises, or any sign that I was hurt at all. I smiled and celebrated on the inside.

I heard my phone vibrate and quickly grabbed it. It was a text from Chris.

Chris: Hey PJ. Come open the door. I've been knocking for the past ten minutes now.

I laughed and went to my front door. Checking each room to see if something was out of place. It wasn't and I was incredibly relieved. I finally got to the door and unlocked it.

"Sorry I just w-." I was stopped by Chris hugging me.

"Thank God you're actually here." He let go of me and I gave him a confused look. "You don't remember those murders?"

My heart stopped. "What murders?"

He pushed past me and I followed him into my lounge. "The ones that were near you and also those other college students." I was still confused. Chris sighed, sitting down. "They called them Clown Murders, but that's because the killer was a clown. He looked like Wiggles. Like someone had such a twisted mind to dress up as a fictional character that you thought of, and murder people."

I felt like I was going to pass out. They were real. I dreaded the question that I was going to ask, but I needed to know. "Was the killer caught?"

I looked at Chris, and he shook his head no. I sat down next to him, and put my head in my hands. I felt like I was floating, like I wasn't even in my body. Chris put his hand on my back, and laid his head on my shoulder gently.

"Sorry to ruin your day with this. It seemed like you were really happy."

His voice made me feel a bit better. I looked over at him and saw his eyes were closed. Sighing, I thought for a minute.

Maybe this is what Wiggles meant by telling Chris how I felt. This is like some cliché ending to a movie. Kiss the person and everything is okay.

I shook my head, and Chris sat up. "What?"

I looked at him again, and I felt horrible for doing this just to save myself from this nightmare. I took a deep breath and kissed him.

Like I predicted everything melted away. Everything was normal when I pulled back. Chris was giving me a weird look, and I laughed. "Sorry. Um," I needed to make sure it was gone. "What were you saying about these murders?"

Again Chris looked at me like I was crazy. "What are you on about, PJ?"

I jumped up from the couch and had a celebration. "Yes! It's over with!" I grabbed Chris and hugged him close to me. "I love you, Chris."

He hesitated for a second. "Love you too, but why are you celebrating?"

I started pulling him toward the front door. "We can talk about it while we eat lunch."

He nodded and we headed out. I turned around to shut the door and close it. For a split second it looked like someone was in the shadows.

I looked again and saw nothing. I shrugged, and thought nothing of it. I locked my door, got in Chris's car, and headed to a café.

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