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"You're not done with him PJ!" A cheery voice said. I opened my eyes to see a clown. Not just any clown though, no, this one was familiar. He was one of my own creations. Wiggles.

He smiled that toothy grin, and waved a knife around like it wasn't dangerous. "You forgot his smile. His face isn't entirely messed up. Just a little bit," he pointed to a small portion of his forehead, "messy here. That's all. So go back and give him that smile before police find him."

I tried to move, but was tied down to a chair. I grind my teeth, "He was probably already found by police. It's too late."

He was suddenly in front of me. Grazing the knife on my skin, he laughed. "That's where you are wrong."

My breath started to get rapid as he pushed the knife into my arm. All I heard was his laugh as he continued on, moving up to my neck. "It's time to wake up, PJ." The knife impaled my neck, and I blacked out.


The cold covered me like a blanket as I woke up. I looked over to see Chris. The light from the moon gave me some sight. I saw he had blood on his jaw and various other places. Reaching out to touch him cheek, he woke up suddenly.

"What happened Chris?" He looked over at me and got out of the car. "Chris?" He started to inspect the car, and then started to look around. I got out and looked back to see that the apartment was still in view.

I was confused. We should have already been far from here. It's like we haven't even moved. I remembered back to that dream I had. His voice echoing in my head.

Go back and give him that smile.

He wasn't kidding around. Maybe I hurt Chris in my sleep, but that doesn't explain how we aren't farther than this. "Chris, what happened?"

I heard his footsteps on the pavement and he appeared beside me. "I don't know. We were on the highway, and then we are back here. I didn't drive back here."

I thought for a minute, leaning against the car. "I didn't hurt you in my sleep?" He shook his head. I looked at the apartment again, seeing someone waving.

A closer inspection showed that the person was holding a knife. He started tapping the window with it, and my heart stopped. "Chris, I'm honestly hoping that this is just a horrible nightmare."

I started walking toward the apartment, but was stopped by Chris grabbing my hand. "You don't need to go in there. We can just leave."

Why does his voice sound different? I turned around to find it was Wiggles. Jumping back, he started to laugh.

He doubled over, trying to catch his breath. "Man you should have seen the look on ya face, you bloke."

I grabbed him and pushed him against the car. "What the fuck is wrong with you? I told you that I'm not doing this."

Wiggles just smiled. "Oh, but you are, PJ." He held up a knife and I looked at it. "You can't fight the feeling. Just go and do the last bit. The smile. Ya know so we can see those pearly whites of the guy. Then I'll be gone."

He vanished and all that was left in my hands was sand. The knife had fallen to the ground with a clank. If I do the last bit, the nightmares, will be done. I looked at the knife and picked it up. I looked at the window where the light was emitting from.

I looked back down at the knife and looked at my reflection in it. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I looked at the car and saw that Chris was in it. I got into the car and tried to touch him. My hand went through him and just onto the seat.

It's like he was a hologram. Stepping back out I saw myself. I was asleep, just like how I was before I was in this hell hole. I sighed and closed the car door. It was gone in a blink, and I tightened my grip on the knife.

Come on, PJ. It's just another part of your dream. It's not real.

I started to walk toward the apartment, and it felt like forever before I got to the door. I reached for the door knob and slowly turned it. Inside was Wiggles, smiling at me. He was hovering over Davids body, and I took a deep breath.

It's not real. It can't be real. Just another stupid nightmare that you are having. Right?

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