Chapter 3

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A/N:Super sorry for the late update.....i've been hitting a writer's block with this and I've been busy with school >.<...

°Chap Start°

~The next day,With (Y/n)~

Walking towards the training ground where the team would meet,(Y/n) could not help but think about what had happen the day before.

'Hmm...Obito-San is acting all weird and stuttery when we were having ramen...Not to mention he didn't even finished his ramen. I thought that he love ramen...' Thought (Y/n) to herself while looking at the dirt road of Konoha.

"Meh,whatever. its not like it have anything to do with me right...right?..urgh,now I'm talking to myself...great just great."Grumbled (Y/n) while kicking an unfortunate pebble that dare to cross her path.

"Ouch!"Yelled someone in pain.

Snapping her head towards the sound,she can see a raven haired kid clutching his head.Quickly walking towards the boy,she kneeled before him.

"Are you alright kid?"Ask (Y/n) softly to the boy,voice lace it the barest amount of concern.

"What do you think,of course i'm hurting right now.You just kick a pebble to my head!"Yelled the kid.

Snorting to herself inaudibly,she then proceed stand up at her own height.

"Fine kid,what you do want to make it up for the pain."State (Y/n) thinking about when she made her brother upset and all she need was to buy him something to make him shut up,surely the kid is the same.

The kid,hearing the offer began to narrow his eyes towards the figure infront of him in thought before a smile come up at his face,pain forgotten in favor for getting something he wants.

"Hehe,fine you gotta buy me a bunch loads of sweets then!"Beam the kid before taking (Y/n)'s hand.

With the child holding on her hand,she had no choice but to follow him.Looking at the kid,she can see that he is wearing a dark blue collared shirt with a pair of white shorts and pair of sandals.

Shaking her head,she then proceed to ask the kid of their destination.

"Where are we going kid."(Y/n) somehow managing to make it sounds like a statement.

"Hehe,you'll see."Was the only reply.

~10Min Later~

After what seems as if it had been forever,they had finally come to a stop in front of a candy store.

"We are here!"Said the boy happily.

Entering the shop,she can see that there are many types of candies in the store.Looking at the kid,she then procees to ask him what did he want to buy.

"What do you want kid,but not more than five types of candies, got it."Said (Y/n) to the boy knowing that if she did not come out with the rule first the kid would surely drain her money dry faster than she can say "stop".

Nodding happily the kid then proceed to walk around the aisle trying to find his favorite candy with the mysterious girl following him.

~1 Hour Later~

Walking out the store,one can see a smiling boy eating candy contendly while clutching a pouch filled with candies in his hand along with a figure following behind.

"Kid,now that i've buy that candies to you..We are even.. Besides,your parents would be very worried about you anyway.So you better head home."State (Y/n) to the raven haired boy boredly.

"Uhh,okay then.By the way thanks for the free candies."Beamed the boy to her before hugging her frame and take of running towards some unknown destination.

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