Chapter 9

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A/N:I hope this one is good enough...Also,ignore the font...I messed up...

~Chap Start~

Standing still,she can hear everything that goes on around her...There were clashing of metal against metal,sounds of screams echoing in the night,dust and ash littered the air.

"Father!Mother!Brother!"She cried before running with all her might towards the centre of the small village where her home was situated.

Dodging stray kunai left and right trying to avoid detection,she was forced to ignore any cry for help.Only one thought in her mind.

'Need to get to father,mother and Ren!'

"Look what we have here a little bra-"The sentence was cut short with a slash of katana beheading the owner of the voice courtsy of the female.

The female on the other hand just continue on her way already gone even before the corpse hit the ground,detached head rolling around before stopping showing a sneering face of the now dead male.

•With the girl•


"No!"Screamed in anguish watching as her house was burned to the ground,falling onto her knees chanting the same thing over and over again.


Suddenly,she feel herself being lifted up from the ground causing her to start trashing around in panic.

"Guh,(Y/N) please it's just me."Grunted the person who had grabbed her.

"S-Sensei?.."Stuttered the teen softly.

"Yes.Now come,we have to get you to safety."Replied her sensei.

"Y-yes,sensei."Said the girl hesitantly standing before she began to follow her teacher.

The run was frantic,there's nothing on their mind except for the where about of their loved one and a continuous prayer for their safety.Reaching a small intersection cave hidden view by branches of trees and natural alcove they began to slow down to a walk.The cave was also arrayed with seals and genjutsu in order to better protect it.

Entering the cave,they walk cautiously in order not to be detected in case of enemies managing to find and enter the cave even unlikely as it seems with the seals in place,after all one could never be to careful in the midst of war.A few minutes into the cave they heard a faint cries of a young child along with faint whisper trying to hush the cries making them tense.

Reaching the source of the noise,(Y/N) broke into a run after recognising the chakra of her little brother and the chakra of his personal tutor.

"Ren!"Whisper the young girl in relief.

"Nee-chan!"Sob the little boy.

"Halt!Stay right there!"Growled the purple haired man beside the boy holding a hand in front of him in order to stop him from running towards the teen girl.Cautious in case it was an enemy disguising themselves as their allies.

"Knock it off Kenta,it's me and the heiress."Says (Y/N)'S tutor whilst sending a well hidden hand sign towards the male now identified as Kenta.

Kenta,seeing the hand sign made exclusively by the clan relaxed himself a small bit before asking.

"What took you so long Touru?I thought we agree to meet up here 10 minutes earlier,did something happened?"Asked Kenta worriedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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