Chapter 4

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A/N:So sorry for the late updatee...Been very busy with school and im hitting a writer's block-again-...also had been distracting myself with reading fanfic-Naruto of course-,lots and lots of yeah..


°Chap Start°

~With (Y/n)~

Swiftly jumping from tree to tree with her teammates close behind towards a steadily growing louder and louder sound of metal clashing metal,she then proceed to come to a stop after reaching their target.

Looking at the others with her,she then proceed to tell them her plan.

"Obito-san,Rin-san.I need you two to distract Minato-sensei so that I could find an opening to subdue sensei if there is any,then I shall join the fight and subdue him and take the bells from sensei."State (Y/n) towards her two teammates.(I know the plan is simple and vague...but seriously I'm not a please bear with me)

Hearing a thud from somewhere behind her at the fight between Jounins was the only signal they needed before leaping into action.

~3rd Person~

Near the clearing where two Jounins had been fighting with each other with the older is winning,two figures-a boy and a girl-leap out of the trees surrounding the clearing.

The boy then proceed to do the handseals required for a specific jutsu.Finishing the handseals needed,he then proceed to yell out the jutsu's name.

"Katon:Great Fireball."Yells the boy before unleashing a great fireball towards the older Jounin forcing him to leap away from his first opponent.

While mid air,a rain shuriken had been thrown towards the blond Jounin by the lone girl-a brunette with rectangle marking on both of her cheeks-forcing him to avoid it by using the most basic jutsu teached at the academy-the Kawarimi-sacrificing a brave log in processed.

Seeing as both of them are working together,the Jounin sensei then proceed survey the clearing in hope to find the last of his student,yet all is vain for the other female member is no where to be seen.

'Is she is like Kakashi-kun?The lone wolf type of fighter?'Thought Minato before focusing onto the battle. Afterall,they may be young but that does not means they're weak together when it come to fighting together.

He then proceed to fight the three of his original students,forcing the thought of the new member in a corner of his mind since he had decided to deal with the girl later after finishing his student off-not kill mind you-.

While the four of the ninja is fighting,somewhere in the foliage a lone figure stood crouched on a branch of a tree,undetected for as long as she wish.Watching the fight,spar?...whatever,between the sensei and students.

'Hmm,maybe I should use the Flesh Hunter to paralyze him and then get the bells while improvising anything in between.'Thought the girl before nodding to herself apparently statisfied with the short and vauge plan.

Jumping out of the tree,she then proceed to do the required handseals for a water jutsu in mid air while remaining unseen by her teammates.

"Suiton:Flesh Marker."Muttered the girl inaudibly before a barrage of water senbons began to exist surrounding her and proceed to descend
towards the fight,she then manipulate her own chakra inside the water senbon to manipulate it towards her intended target.

The Blond haired sensei,sensing an attack from behind him quickly leaped away,to see a barrage of water senbons raining towards him and seems to be following his movement.

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