Chapter 7

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A/N:arghhh I havent update for a long time...For that I am extremely sorry...its just I broke my phone(again)....right now im using a phone that my fam member let me borrow(i know,my life is just so sad...i dont even own a phone)...well i hope that this new chappie wont be too bad...also,excuse any grammar error cuz I suck at it

°Chapter Start°

~With (Y/N)~

Walking quietly,(Y/N) could not help but fret on how she would try to explain her situation to her seemingly overprotective sensei.

'Ah,shoot...How am my going to do this again...who's bright idea is it to go and find him again...It's YOU of course...urgh now i'm talking to myself...great look at what you have done to me sensei I can totally feel my sanity slipping away...'Thought (Y/N) grumpily whilst still keeping her poker face up

Walking silently,(Y/N) decided to pick up the pace hopping from roof top to another in quick succession with a single sound with her sensei following close behind.

•Mini Time Skip•

Reaching team seven training ground,(Y/N) skid to a halt before slowly turning around to face her blond haired sensei whilst slightly look at the ground dreading the reaction that is sure to come from him about the incident earlier.

"You want to talk to me,sensei..."Said (Y/N) softly whilst still looking at the ground.

A sound of sigh can be heard from the older male before two calloused fingers find their ways under her chin and proceed to lift her head,forcing her to stare into the twin orb that belong to her sensei that shone with concern with a hint of sterness.

"Look at me (Y/N),I am not angry at you...its just I am concerned about your well being I know you are capable of handling those shinobis alone with your skill but that does not mean I would just sit back and let you jump into a potentially dangerous situations (Y/N)-Chan."Said Minato softly whilst intensely staring into the twin (E/C) orbs of his student.

Face slightly red at the stare full of intensity (Y/N) cannot help but to avert her eyes elsewhere afraid to see something that is not there.

'Is he,concerned about me...genuinely?..but I had been his student merely for a short period of time.'Thought (Y/N) full of confusions.

"I know that it may seem unbelievable,but for a short period of time you had been my student I have come to care for you (Y/N)-Chan...Just like my other students."Said the Jounin softly still staring into the eyes of the (H/C)-haired girl.

"As such I could not help but worry about your well being especially knowing that you had no family member left except for your little brother who,if I may add would be left alone without any family member to care for him...You do not want to leave him all alone now do you?..."Add the Jounin again whilst slightly manipulating the younger's feeling towards her brother.

Eyes widening slightly at the implication of her sensei's words (Y/N) could not help but sniffle slightly at the thought of leaving her little brother all alone in the cruel world.

"I-I'm sorry,I d-didn't think a-about it."Said (Y/N) whilst tears starting to fall at the emotions that only at the mentions of her brother could invoke,uncaring of any spectacle that may see her in the vulnerable state whilst trying to rub her tears with the back of her hands.

~With Minato~

Seeing the state of his student Minato mentally cringe at his mistake.

'Ah,shit...Totally overdid it there,should have remember that she is quite emotional about her brother.'

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