Chapter 8 - Jumpscared by an AI

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The reception of Stark Tower was absolutely crazy. People bustled past me with piles of paperwork, briefcases and cups of hot coffee, all chattering at a collectively loud volume. Pepper guided me through the crowd towards a lift. As we stepped inside, about seven others joined us, forcing me into the back corner.
"Are you okay?" Pepper asked quietly.
"I think so," I mumbled, closing my eyes and trying not to think about the shutting doors. Every one turned to try and press the button for their floor. Pepper leaned over and pressed the top button on the panel and then we began to move upwards.

The lift only moved for about before it opened the doors and a couple of people moved out. It carried on like that, floor after floor, until eventually it was just me and Pepper left.

"How high are we going?" I asked nervously. I could see the figures on the ground floor drifting off into the distance through the transparent walls.

"Right up to the penthouse," Pepper smiled. "You might want to stop looking down." I blushed, slightly embarrassed, then turned my attention to the buttons. Pepper had pressed the 'P' at the very top of the panel and we were currently on 12. Two more floors to go.

When we went past floor H, I looked across and saw the platform that held a helicopter landing pad and what looked like a small runway - Iron Man's landing strip? I'd seen all of Tony Stark's crazy stunts on YouTube, but I'd never delved that deep into the Avenger's antics. I was going to have to do some research.

The penthouse was modern and very classy. Everything looked brand new, except from the coffee machine, which looked extremely overused. Pepper walked around the corner of the kitchen and gestured for me to follow. As I turned, I saw that the whole wall was a huge window, looking right out over New York.

"Wow." I said quietly." Tia would have loved this."

"Who's Tia." Asked Pepper, confused.

"My sister," I gulped, my voice shaking a little. "She's dead now, so..." I trailed off, pulling at my hands and twisting my fingers in an attempt to distract myself from the pain I could feel in my chest. Pepper put her hand on my shoulder.

"I am so sorry about your family. I'm going to try and do everything I can to try and help you, okay?" I nodded.

"Alright," she said. "The guest room's this way."


My new room was mostly blue. The walls were painted white, except the one at the head of the bead which was a sort of cyan. There was a metal desk in the corner that looked like it belonged in a modern art museum: twisted metal bars decorated the sides to create a sort of shelf hanging over the edge of the workspace. The bed covers were a rich royal blue, with swirls of silver stitching over them, reminding me of the stream that used to run in front of our house. I gently placed the cook book down on the coverlet.

"I'll leave you to get settled in, I've got to phone someone and let them know what's happening." Pepper explained.

"Okay." I mumbled. She walked out and I gingerly sat down on the bed. I was still very dirty, and I was pretty sure there was blood on my jumper. I headed over to the door in the corner - a bathroom I hoped- and opened it. A mirror showed me the harsh reality of my appearance. My brown skin was overlayed with pink scar tissue from where I had healed it. Most of my left eyebrow was missing, so was a chunk of my hair. My black curls were singed at the ends and my clothes were bleached, with black edged holes where flames had licked at them. The contrast between me an the shining bathroom was pretty obvious, so I washed my hands and face as best I could, then went back into the main room.

I opened the desk drawer and was pleasantly surprised to find a fresh notepad and some black pens. Pulling out the pad and a biro, I decided to make a list - everything I would need now that I'd lost everything. First, clothes. Second, shoes. Third... I didn't know what else I needed. I felt like the bratty part of me had been blown out in the explosion. I tried to think of something more luxurious, but all I could think of was deodorant. I abandoned the list and went to find Pepper.

I walked gingerly out into the hall, trying to listen for sounds that would help me find her, but all I could hear was the humming electricity in the walls.

"Great." I huffed. "Now I'm alone in a stranger's house."

"Can I be of assistance?" A voice asked. I jumped about a foot off the floor and spun around, trying to see who had spoken. The corridor was still empty.

"Who was that?" I asked shakily, ready to fight the invisible intruder.

"I am Jarvis." The voice replied.

"Where are you?"

"I am located in the memory storage banks created by Mr Stark."

"Uhhhh, what?"

"I am an Artificial Intelligence, also known as an AI. I was created by Mr Stark."

"Okaaaaaay." I looked up at the ceiling.

"What is your name?"

"Uhh, Clara?"

"Hello, 'uhh Clara'."

"Okay, my name is Clara, I was trying to..." I trailed off.

"Can I help you, Miss Clara?" Jarvis' voice was so eager to assist that I wanted to cry.

"Not really." I gulped. Tears started to form at the edges of my vision. "I-i just want my mum. And my dad. And they're dead, so-" I hiccuped. "I'm never gonna see them again, you know?"

"I understand you are you are experiencing emotional pain. I suggest partaking in an activity you enjoy or sharing your emotions with another person."

"Jarvis I am literally doing that right now." I sniffed.

"I am afraid I do not count." Jarvis said sadly. "I am not a person."

"You're better than most people Jarvis." I sighed, rubbing tears off my face. "You tried to help."

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