Chapter 10 - How (Not) To Introduce Yourself

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I whizzed down the building like a falcon: wings tucked in, arms in front of me in the perfect dive position. As I neared the pavement I spread them out and pulled up, flying free and- WHAM! I smacked into something else - also travelling at high speed- and we flew forward into a free-fall. I attempted to de-tangle myself from the flying object and was surprised to see it was a guy.
"What?" I yelled. "Who are you?"
"Can we have this discussion later?" The stranger shouted. "Kinda busy right now!" He wrapped an arm around me and shot the other one out in front of us. A web shot out of his hand and stuck to the building on our right, making us swing and hit the side. Luckily, I expected the impact and braced, but I was still pretty winded by the hit. Web boy then proceeded to climb up the building - with me held in his right arm - and then put me down on the edge.
"Who the heck are you?" I asked.
"Uhhhh, that's not important." The kid said. "Why are you flying?"
"It's not important." I said frostily.
"Fine." The kid sighed. " I'm Peter Parker, but do not spread that around. Your turn."
"I'm Clara Farley," I said. "I'm flying 'cause I feel like it."
"How did you get wings?"
"How did you get webs?"
"I got bit by a spider. Why are you so interested anyway?" he asked, sounding almost cross.
"I've never heard of a bug boy in New York." I grinned. "And I'm interested because I just got here and it's a bit weird for me right now."
"Okay, I am not bug boy." Peter grinned. "I'm going by Spiderman at the moment."
"Spiderman? Seriously?"
"What else am I supposed to call myself? 'A dude who got bit by a bug and can now climb walls and stuff'?"
"You can shoot webs as well though."
"Nope, I made web shooter things and I use this super string I made myself. It took a long time to perfect."
"Okay, so you're a nerd and a bug."
"Are you always this sarcastic?"
"Without fail." I grinned. Suddenly, Peter looked at his watch.
"Oh man I've got to go." He scrambled to his feet.
"Aunt May is gonna kill me if I'm late again!" He jumped off the edge before I could say anything, and I was left wondering who this 'Spiderman' really was.


I flew back to the penthouse and entered via the suit room, using my Tony Stark disguise to enter. I attempted to be sneaky while going past the kitchen, but Pepper noticed me anyway.
"Tony?" She asked, and I cursed internally. I'd forgotten to change back.
"Uh, no." I said, returning to my normal form. "It's me. I went out for some... Fresh air." She didn't look aby less shocked.
"You were just Tony."
"Yeah, I can do that."
"Sorry if it freaked you out, I was..." I paused. "Testing my powers, you know?" She smiled, but her eyes showed she was still pretty weirder out.
"Right." She nodded to herself. "Do you need anything?"
"Could I use the computer please? I want to look something up."

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