Honestly I'm fine

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Dans P.O.V

"There's no need to help me" everyone goes silent as I put my head up tears still streaming down my face, "But da-" "HONESTLY I-I'm fine" I interupt Tyler before he can finish. Chris walks over to me and gives me a gentle hug. "It's ok Dan where here" Chris says still hugging me.

7 minutes later the funerals about to start and I've wiped away the tears and know I'm standing close to the front with my friends. People are saying there "Speches" saying how grate of a friend/son he was saying how he always put a smile on everyone's faces, how he was always there to give a helping hand, and then it was my turn to go up and say some words I walk up to were people were standing to say their words. I Take a breath in and out "hello everyone my name is dan, Dan Howell, and as u all probley know I was Phil's best friend and roommate for about 10 or more years. Umm I found out about Phil on YouTube and i started talking to him through Twitter then we started skyline and before we knew it we where meating in real life, umm in 2010 I think it was we moved into an apartment together and then things just went on from there" I look down to my friends who are looking up at me with tears in their eyes. I start tearing up again aswell so I look down to the ground, "Phil was my best friend and he was always there for me when I needed him and I was always there for him. Through the toughes times in our lives. We were always together for the great moments, and those moments are now memories that sit in my brain, I will never forget those memories, I will never forget meeting Phil for the first time. This amazing man walked into my world and showed me the ways of life, he showed me friendship, he tort me trust, and he a showed me real love❤️. Phillip Michael Lester changed my life and forever I will remember and love him for that." A tear falls down my check. Out of the corner of my eye I see the paper that I had put in my pocket earlier, I reach my hand down to get it so I could read it out but... I deside not to. I pull my hand away from my pocket and up to my face to wipe away the tear that had fallen down my check. I say my last final words, "I could go on for hours about how great of a friend romate and boyfriend Phil was, I won't though but I will just say phil was the funnyest most handsome person I've ever meet and I will remember him forever❤️" 

After everyone's speeches we had to put flowers on his grave in the hole. Each one of us got a hand full of flower peddles and put them in the hole on top of Phil's grave. After that they put durt onto the grave so he was now berried. Me and all the other YouTubers walked over to a tree close to Phil's grave but not to close. I Realised all of them were crying and so was I, they were all talking to each other so I desided to go over to Phil's grave. I walked out of the group and other to the grave, I bent down near the grave stone and read what it had said.

                                                                     "Phillip Michael Lester"

                                           Here lies an Amazing YouTuber and Radio 1 presenter 

                                                           Shall we always remember Him 


Another tear ran down my check as I read the stone over and over. I've never really wondered what my world would be like without Phil because I didn't want a world with out Phil and now I really don't.

Hey guys I'm sorry this one was kind of short but I cried while writing it so I need a little break to make myself stop crying but I've desided that instead of writing one chapter of every story a day I'm gonna focus on finish one story then finishing another and then on. So this is the first story I'm gonna focus on writing and I'm writing another chapter right now but it won't be out tomorrow as I have FUCKING SCHOOL 😡😡😡 who the hell invented that shitting thing called school ohwell SEE YOU NEXT TIME

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